Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite
Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests PDF 205 KB Minutes: The Chair of Council, Councillor Jacq Paschoud declared a personal interest in Item 8 as the current representative.
Councillor John Paschoud declared a personal interest in Item 8 as the spouse of the Current representative.
Councillors Mark Ingleby, Peter Bernhards and Carline Kalu declared a personal interest in Item 7 as Board Members of Lewisham Homes.
Councillor Alan Hall declared a personal interest in Item 8 as a member of the Brent Knoll and Watergate Trust.
Councillor Carl Handley declared a personal interest in Item 8 as a Governor at Watergate School.
Councillor James-J Walsh declared a personal interest in Item 13 as a member of the Co-operative Party.
Councillor Olurotimi Ogunbadewa declared a personal interest in Item 7 as a Board Member of Phoenix Community Housing. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on July 18 be confirmed and signed as a correct record, |
Minutes: Councillor Liam Curran presented two petitions against three proposed developments on Hillcrest Estate, namely Bluebell Close, Vigilant Close and the Gateway Site.
The first handwritten petition was signed by 133 local residents and the second online petition bore 722 signatures.
The petitions called upon the Council to both refuse planning permission and list the estates ancient woodland and veteran trees as part of the Great North Wood to ensure these natural assets remain for the benefit of current and future generations. |
Announcements or Communications PDF 110 KB Minutes: Obituaries
The Chair reported the deaths of former Councillors Solomon Brown and Gurbahksh Garcha.
She remembered both as respectable men and recalled she had first met Solomon Brown on the Community Health Council 25 years ago. She recounted the service he had given as a Councillor and Deputy Mayor and with the Lewisham Disability Coalition. She praised him as a lovely person and true gentleman.
The Chair said she had first met Gurbahksh Garcha in Forest Hill 30 years ago. She reflected fondly on his personal impact as a man of peace who strove to make the world a better place in spite of some great personal adversity.
The Mayor next added his tribute to Solomon Brown a former representative of Hither Green the precursor to the Lewisham Central Ward he had served. He welcomed his son and widow to the meeting and recalled details of his personal story which he had learned of.
The Mayor also welcomed the widow, son, and grandson of Gurbahksh Garcha to the meeting. The Mayor knew him as a true gentleman and role model and counted him as a good friend who had supported his campaigns and who remained community minded even after his 20 years service on the Council.
Sir Steve Bullock DL stated both Solomon Brown and Gurbahksh Garcha joined the Council as mature individuals bringing a wealth of wisdom and experience to the Council and serving the community in many different ways.
Sir Steve recalled his first year as Mayor and how he had persuaded Hurbahksh Garcha to be a reluctant but incredibly supportive member of his Cabinet in very challenging times. He remembered him as a friend but also as a loving father and grandfather.
Councillor Mallory said it was Councillor Adefiranye, who was unable to be present at the meeting, who had provided him with the news of both deaths. In his time as Leader of the Council he had known both men. He regarded Solomon Brown as mild mannered and unassuming who carried out his duties as Councillor and Deputy Mayor with great dignity. He thought of Gurbahksh Garcha as a kind, tolerant and principled individual who had an impact on youth services during the transition of ILEA to the Boroughs and through his dedication and long term commitment to the Rockbourne Youth Club. On a personal level he remained as a golf partner until the end of his life.
Councillor Sheikh concluded the tributes by sharing her warm personal relationship with Gurbahksh Garcha and that they shared a common heritage.
All present observed a one minute silence in memory of Solomon Brown and Gurbahksh Garcha. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 4 questions were received from the following Councillors which were answered by the Cabinet Members indicated. A copy of the questions and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council’s website with the meeting papers. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 36 questions were received from the following members of the public which were answered by the Cabinet Member indicated. A copy of the questions and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council website with the meeting papers. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor moved that the recommendation shown below be approved and this was seconded by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best. Following contributions from Councillors Coral Howard and Liz Johnston-Franklin, there was a reply by the Mayor and it was unanimously:
(a) The Basic Allowance for Councillors should be increased by the headline National Joint Council (NJC) 2018 local government pay settlement of 2% with effect from the beginning of the 2018-19 municipal year;
(b) The freeze on members’ basic allowances should be ended and these allowances increased during the next four municipal years by the headline figure in the NJC local government pay settlements;
(c) Where Cabinet portfolios are shared between members, both should receive half the remuneration of a Cabinet member;
(d) The Scheme should continue to make provision for payment of a dependants’ carer’s allowance and that in special circumstances (eg for care of a severely disabled person) the Council should reimburse a higher cost where this can be justified;
(e) The Mayor and councillors should be entitled to claim for travel outside the borough and subsistence allowances outside Greater London at the same rates as those prescribed for staff of the authority; and
(f) The date of implementation of recommendations should be the commencement of the 2018-2019 municipal year. |
Appointment of Council Representative to the Brent Knoll and Watergate Co-operative Trust PDF 338 KB Minutes: Councillor Joan Millbank moved that the recommendation be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Alex Feis-Bryce and it was unanimously:
RESOLVED that Cllr Jacqueline Paschoud be reappointed as its representative on the Trust Board of the Brent Knoll and Watergate Co- operative Trust for a further 5 year term of office. |
Local Government Social Care Ombudsman PDF 257 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Chris Barnham moved that the recommendation be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Luke Sorba and it was unanimously:
RESOLVED that the contents of the report be received and the action taken be endorsed. |
Action by Chair of Council PDF 133 KB Minutes: The Chair moved that the recommendation be approved and this was seconded by the Vice-Chair and it was unanimously:
RESOLVED that that the actions taken by the Chair of Council be noted. |
Motion 1 Cllr Daby Cllr Dacres PDF 130 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Janet Daby MP and seconded by Councillor Brenda Dacres. Following contributions from Councillors Colin Elliott and Joan Millbank, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
“The Windrush scandal is a British political scandal concerning people born British subjects, who came to the United Kingdom (UK) between 1948 and 1973. They were predominately from Caribbean countries, and have become known as the Windrush Generation.
Many of the Windrush Generation were denied their British citizenship and legal rights, wrongly detained, and threatened with deportation. There are many who were wrongly deported from the UK, or denied the right to return from vacation or family bereavements by the Home Office. To date, the Home office has failed to provide the exact number of people whom this has affected.
The ramifications of those who were suddenly told that they were not British Citizens, despite being British before entrance into the UK has been devastating. They have lost their jobs, homes, pensions, and financial security. They have been denied benefits and medical care to which they were and are fully entitled to. The denial of medical care has led to deaths. Many of those arrived on these shores as invited British subjects have lost their dignity, been marginalised, felt ashamed and embarrassed, and have had the lives ripped apart. Many of those affected through the Windrush Scandal have been older vulnerable people, as well as their dependants. Furthermore, an unknown number of long-term UK residents were wrongly refused re-entry to the UK, and a larger number were threatened with immediate deportation by the Home Office.
In one month alone, the UK Government received a total of 13,000 calls to a specialist unit set up within the Department of the Home Office, in the aftermath of the extreme scale of those affected. The Home Office has since disclosed that more than 850 people now have documentation to affirm their British Citizenship following an appointment with their dedicated team. However, the total number affected at home and abroad are still unknown.
This motion pledges that Lewisham Council publicly opposes the mistreatment and criminalisation of Windrush individuals and families; and resolves:
• In continuing to actively campaign for an end to all ‘hostile environment’ policy measures, calls upon the Mayor of Lewisham alongside the 3 local Lewisham MPs to demand that the Government enables the Windrush Generation to acquire British citizenship at no cost, and with proactive assistance throughout the process, which is not time limited. To note that the ‘hostile environment’ is not restricted to the Windrush generation, and that the campaign be extended to include post-1973 spouses and children that followed to join their pre-1973 family member.
• To proactively advertise the open consultation of the Windrush Compensation Scheme, through which victims of the Windrush Scandal will be able to claim compensation.
• To call upon the Government to fully and financially support advice agencies in ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
Motion 2 Cllr Johnston Franklin Cllr Dromey PDF 142 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin and seconded by Councillor Luke Sorba. The motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
“This Council notes:
overseeing unprecedented and cruel cuts to youth services across the country.
(62%) since 2010.
funding cuts and market reforms. This has resulted in a reduction in the number of JNC programmes, the number of providers employing JNC qualified workers and the number of students enrolling in undergraduate programmes.
youth workers lost their jobs.
damaging community cohesion, making it harder to stay in formal education, and having a negative impact on their health and wellbeing.
anti-social behaviour.
spaces to explore their identity, experience decision-making, increase their confidence, develop interpersonal skills and think through the consequences of their actions. This leads to better informed choices, changes in activity and improved outcomes for young people.
This Council believes:
role universal youth work plays in supporting young people to realise their potential.
with young people, parents, professionals and councillors, to ensure that provision is tailored to the needs of each community.
Culture Media and Sport to promote and secure youth services in each local authority across the country.
funding to oversee youth service provision across England.
This Council resolves to:
statutory youth services.
Service’ consultation before the deadline on Monday 12 November 2018. |
Motion 3 Cllr Walsh Cllr De Ryk PDF 130 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor James-J Walsh and seconded by Councillor Amanda De Ryk. Following a contribution from Councillors Coral Howard, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
This council notes
Though slavery was abolished in the UK in 1833, there are more slaves today than ever before in human history. Figures from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) suggest that there are more than 40 million people in modern slavery across the world, with nearly 25 million held in forced labour.
There were 3805 victims of modern slavery identified in the UK in 2016. A rising number but still well below the 10,000 and 13,000 potential victims estimated by the Home Office.
Modern Slavery is happening nationwide. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. This can include sexual and criminal exploitation.
*This council believes*
That action needs to be taken to raise awareness of modern slavery and the fact that it is happening all over the UK.
That the current support for victims is not sufficient and needs to go beyond the 45 days they are currently given by the government.
That councils have an important role to play in ensuring their contracts and supplies don’t contribute to modern day slavery and exploitation.
*This council resolves to ask the Mayor & Cabinet*
To consider adopting the Co-operative Party’s Charter against Modern Slavery to ensure our procurement practices don’t support slavery.
*The Charter* London Borough of Lewisham Council will:
1. Train its corporate procurement team to understand modern slavery through the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply’s (CIPS) online course on Ethical Procurement and Supply.
2. Require its contractors to comply fully with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, wherever it applies, with contract termination as a potential sanction for non- compliance.
3. Challenge any abnormally low-cost tenders to ensure they do not rely upon the potential contractor practising modern slavery.
4. Highlight to its suppliers that contracted workers are free to join a trade union and are not to be treated unfairly for belonging to one.
5. Publicise its whistle-blowing system for staff to blow the whistle on any suspected examples of modern slavery.
6. Require its tendered contractors to adopt a whistle-blowing policy which enables their staff to blow the whistle on any suspected examples of modern slavery.
7. Review its contractual spending regularly to identify any potential issues with modern slavery.
8. Highlight for its suppliers any risks identified concerning modern slavery and refer them to the relevant agencies to be addressed.
9. Refer for investigation via the National Crime Agency’s national referral mechanism any of its contractors identified as a cause for concern regarding modern slavery.
10. Report publicly on the implementation of this policy annually |
Motion 4 Cllr Penfold Cllr Holland PDF 128 KB Minutes: The motion was moved by Councillor Stephen Penfold and seconded by Councillor Octavia Holland. Following contributions from Councillors Jim Mallory, Mark Ingleby, James Rathbone and Liam Curran, the motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
This Council notes that:
It is now two years since the Brexit vote and the Government still has no satisfactory Brexit plan. The Government seems paralysed between the position of the EU, “Remain” MP’s and “Hard Brexit” MP’s. Since the June 2016 Referendum (“the Referendum”) we have gone from the top of the G7 for economic growth to the bottom.
The Labour Party in Lewisham, and our current mayor, campaigned extensively for Remain locally during the Referendum campaign.
Whilst the UK narrowly voted to leave the EU in the Referendum, approximately 70% of voters in the London Borough of Lewisham voted to remain.
This Council believes:
If the UK leaves the European Union, our country will be permanently poorer, have diminished influence in the world and the greatest burden will fall on the poorest and youngest in society.
For communities up and down the country, jobs and businesses are under threat and it is absolutely right for local authorities to be making a stand on their behalf
Any form of Brexit will damage the NHS; the Nuffield Trust projects the economic impact will translate into an annual £2.4bn shortfall in funding, but the economic impact is not the only area on which we need to be focusing.
Since the referendum there has been a marked increase in hostile behaviour towards immigrants and an unpleasant and dangerous increase in nationalism and xenophobic attitudes in this country.
That Councils already struggling as a result of the “austerity” policies of this government and the constituents they represent, will be hit hardest by the detrimental economic effects of Brexit.
The terms of Brexit were not clear in the 2016 referendum, and we have seen no meaningful progress.
Further, the only way for the current impasse in which the government finds itself to be resolved is by a referendum.
This Council resolves:
• To write to the Government urging it to put the terms of any Brexit deal to the people of the UK by way of a referendum with an option to remain full members of the EU.
The Council notes that Lewisham Labour Group will:
• In the event of a referendum being called it will campaign for a “Remain” vote and will write to the Labour Party NEC asking that the Labour Party nationally campaign for a “Remain” vote. |
Motion 5 Cllr John Paschoud Cllr Morrison PDF 124 KB Minutes: The Chair advised Council that she had used her discretion under Part 4, Section C, Paragraph 25.3 of the Constitution to allow this additional urgent item having being satisfied that the issue arose after the publication of the agenda and that it could not wait until the next ordinary meeting in November.
The motion was then moved by Councillor John Paschoud and seconded by Councillor Pauline Morrison. The motion was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.
RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:
“We understand that Arriva Rail London and TfL are planning to close ticket offices in a number of stations.
The proposed closure of ticket offices at Anerley, Honor Oak Park, Penge West, Rotherhithe, and Surrey Quays is likely to particularly impact many residents of Lewisham; but some of our residents are likely to use stations across the whole of the Overground network for daily journeys, including all 51 where this cut to service is proposed.
Lewisham Council believes these are damaging and detrimental cuts and that there is still a clear need for staffed ticket offices at stations. Industry research shows that a clear majority of passengers still prefer to buy from the ticket office rather than from a ticket machine.
Replacing staffed ticket offices with ticket machines, or mobile staff expected to sell tickets on platforms, will undoubtedly limit the quality and range of services available to passengers.
If these changes go ahead we believe that residents of Lewisham: • would not be able to access all the tickets and services needed from a ticket machine; • would find it harder to obtain advice on tickets and fares without a staffed office; • would be concerned that there were insufficient numbers of ticket machines (due to them being in high demand or faulty); • would experience more delays and concourse congestion; • those who are disabled, elderly and vulnerable may be less confident using a ticket machine and could end up overspending or being deterred from travelling; and • that by leaving stations understaffed and sometimes unstaffed it will make it harder to provide a safe and secure environment — especially with CCTV left unmonitored.
We call upon the GLA and TFL to reconsider these proposals and continue to provide the best possible and safest Overground service to the people of Lewisham and London.” |