Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327
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Minutes: The election of Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye was proposed by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Mallory.
In accepting re-election, for a seventh term, Councillor Adefiranye said he would be proud to again serve as Chair and would alongside his wife, Sandra, continue to promote the work of the Council in a large number of civic engagements. He recounted the significant anniversaries which the Council had celebrated in the preceding municipal year and he went on to praise the efforts of his support staff, particularly the Civic Manager and the Head of Business and Committee. He thanked the Council for the honour that it had bestowed on him for a seventh and possibly final time, as he stated his current intention not to proceed as an election candidate in 2018
RESOLVED that Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye be elected as Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2017-18. |
Election of Vice Chair PDF 25 KB Minutes: The election of Councillor Alan Till was proposed by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Mallory.
RESOLVED that Councillor Alan Till be elected as Vice-Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2017-18. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 22 February 2017 be approved and signed as a true record. |
Declaration of Interests PDF 206 KB Minutes: None were made. |
Announcements or Communications PDF 8 KB Minutes: Westminister Attack
The Chair announced he had circulated a letter received from the Vice Mayor of twin town Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. The Vice Mayor was acting on behalf of their Mayor who was in hospital and his letter offered condolences following the recent terrorist attack on Westminster.
The Chair reported the Council flew the Union flag at half-mast following the attack. Additionally, the Mayor had written a letter of support and condolences to the Metropolitan Police and he had worn a black ribbon at a Civic engagement in Greenwich the following day.
The Mayor added his thanks and appreciation for the continuing bravery and professionalism of the Metropolitan Police and said he was very proud of Londoners and their response to the terrorist outrage.
All present observed a 1 minute silence in memory of the victims of the attack.
Hearts for the Arts Award
The Chair said he was pleased to be able to confirm the announcement made at the last meeting that Lewisham has received a Hearts for the Arts award for its work with Entelechy Arts and The Albany on ‘Meet me at the Albany’.
The awards were a new initiative by What Next? and the National Campaign for the Arts to reward and thank Councils, Councillors and Council officers who were overcoming financial challenges to ensure the arts stay at the centre of community life.
The Chair welcomed Sam West, Olivia Colman and Gemma Nelson from the National Campaign for the Arts and David Slater and Gavin Barlow from the Albany, before handing over to Councillor Chris Best explained the background to the project. The Council was then addressed by both Sam West and Olivia Colman before a formal presentation of the award to the Mayor. |
Executive Composition PDF 28 KB Minutes: The Mayor informed the Chief Executive that the 9 members, listed below, would continue to serve as members of the Cabinet in the municipal year 2017/18.
Name Portfolio
Councillor Alan Smith Deputy Mayor & Growth & Regeneration Councillor Chris Best Health, Wellbeing and Older People Councillor Kevin Bonavia Resources Councillor Janet Daby Community Safety Councillor Joe Dromey Policy and Performance Councillor Damien Egan Housing Councillor Paul Maslin Children & Young People Councillor Joan Millbank Third Sector & Community Councillor Rachel Onikosi Public Realm
RESOLVED that the notification of appointments be received. |
Scheme of Delegation PDF 197 KB Minutes: The Chair confirmed no changes had been made to the Mayor’s Scheme of Delegation.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Minutes: The Chair confirmed no changes had been made to Committee terms of reference.
RESOLVED to note that there are no changes to the terms of reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Standards Committee or other committees. |
Allocation of seats 2017 PDF 155 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report setting out an allocation of seats on committees to political groups on the Council in compliance with the requirements of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees would continue to be allocated in accordance with the proportion of seats held by the political groups on the Council.
At the proposal of Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Siddorn, Members agreed unanimously to form an Overview and Scrutiny Committee of all 45 non-executive Councillors, that was politically balanced.
(i) seats be allocated to political parties as indicated on the schedule attached to the report;
(ii) the Overview & Scrutiny Committee shall comprise all 45 non-executive Councillors; and
(iii) the composition of the Constitution Working Party, the Appointments Committee, the Urgency Committee, 3 Planning Committees, a Strategic Planning Committee, a Licensing Committee, a Licensing (Supplementary) Committee, a Pensions Investment Committee, a Health & Safety Committee, an Elections Committee, an Electoral Registration Working Party and an Audit Panel with the Terms of Reference set out be agreed. |
Appointments to Committees PDF 28 KB Minutes: It was moved by the Chair and duly seconded that members be appointed to serve on committees as listed below. The motion was declared carried and it was:
RESOLVED that members be appointed to serve on committees, as indicated, for the municipal year 2017/18.
Appointments to Bodies PDF 125 KB Minutes: The Chair reported there was no bodies where there were more candidates than places available, the Chair therefore moved and the Vice-Chair seconded a proposal that the tabled schedule of appointments be adopted.
The motion was declared carried and it was:
RESOLVED that members be appointed to serve on other committees and organisations as set out in below:
Ackroyd Community Centre Management Committee (1) Councillor Alan Till
Age Concern Reminiscence Theatre(1) Councillor Amanda De Ryk
Albany 2001 Council of Management (1) Councillor Brenda Dacres
Albion Millennium Green Trust (1) Councillor Paul Upex
Blackheath Joint Working Party (3) Councillor Kevin Bonavia Councillor Amanda De Ryk Councillor Gareth Siddorn
Deptford Challenge Trust (1) Councillor Jimi Adefiranye
Forest Hill and Sydenham Voluntary Service Association (V.S.L) (2) Councillor Alan Till Councillor Paul Upex
Ladywell Centre (formerly Dressington Day Centre) (1) Councillor Carl Handley
Lewisham Citizen’s Advice Bureau Management Committee (2)
Lewisham Disability Coalition (1) Councillor Colin Elliott
Lewisham Local History Council/Society (1) Councillor Alan Till
Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum Management Committee (1) Councillor Joyce Jacca
Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board (1) Councillor Chris Barnham
London Youth Games (2) Councillor Hilary Moore Councillor Alan Till
Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust (2) Councillor Joyce Jacca Councillor Alan Till Youth First Board (1) Councillor Liz Johnston-Franklin |
Minutes: The Calendar was proposed for adoption by the Chair and seconded by the Vice-Chair and it was:
(i) ordinary meetings of the Council be held on 21 June, 20 September, 22 November 2017, 17 January, 21 February and 28 February (fall-back) and that the Annual General Meeting be held on Wednesday 13 June 2018; and
(ii) the attached schedule of meetings be approved for the municipal year 2017/18. |
Mayoral Appointments 2017 PDF 126 KB Minutes: The Chair proposed and the Vice-Chair seconded a proposal that the schedule of appointments made by the Mayor be noted.
RESOLVED to note the appointments made by the Mayor to the following external bodies/committees.
Standards Committee Annual Report PDF 164 KB Minutes: The report was moved by the outgoing Chair, Councillor Colin Elliott and was seconded by the Councillor Simon Hooks and it was:
RESOLVED that the annual report of the Standards Committee be received. |
Annual Mayoral Report PDF 125 KB Minutes: The Mayor delivered the following address:
“Deputy Lieutenant, Freemen and Women of the Borough, Chair, Councillors, Members of Parliament, Honoured Guests
Not Twenty but Fifty years ago today the Beatles would have been putting the finishing touches to the Sgt Pepper Album that was to change the way the world thought about popular music. Swinging London was where everyone wanted to be and as they said “It's getting better all the time”
But there was much that needed to change. Cathy Come Home may have been a work of fiction but it had made the meaning of being homeless a reality, The Aberfan disaster had appalled the nation and the war in Vietnam continued to escalate.
Nevertheless there was a real sense of optimism that change for the better was possible which Sgt Pepper reflected. Today we face just as many challenges and in some cases the same ones are back but today’s response seems to be an angry and pessimistic populism. Of course it may be that looking back to a time when you were young inevitably creates a rosy glow about how the world used to be – so perhaps we need to look at what today’s young people are doing.
Three quarters of voters under 24 voted Remain and they turned out in equal numbers to other age groups too dispelling the myth that young people can’t be bothered. If only 16 and 17 year olds had been allowed to vote as they were in the Scottish referendum how different things might have been.
In a little over a year’s time Lewisham will face an election and by that time I will be 64 and according to Lennon and McCartney should be “Doing the Garden, digging the weeds” though “Staying out till quarter to three” sounds like more fun. Either way I will be standing down as mayor but it is not my intention tonight to reflect on the time I have served this borough. I will as usual briefly look back over the past 12 months and then forward to challenges and opportunities that face us in the coming year.
Governments come and go – we are sad when a man with the intelligence and integrity of President Obama leaves the stage but we know that before long there will be more elections and further change. The vote to leave the EU was different however. For many it made us feel that the very basis on which we had lived our lives as European Citizens was being threatened by our fellow citizens who wanted to build walls and shut out the world. Then in the days that followed we saw a return to the sort of open racism and displays of hatred that we thought had been left behind.
If some of us who were born and raised in Britain felt like that how much worse must it have been for those who had chosen to make this their home and were now being told they ... view the full minutes text for item 85. |