Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Contact: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 205 KB


Councillor Hall declared a personal interest in Item 11 as a member of Unite

and Unison.


Councillors Bonavia, Till and Bernhards declared a personal interest in Item

11 as a member of Unite.


Councillor Mallory declared a personal interest in Item 11 as a member of the NUJ.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on November 23 2016 be

confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Petitions pdf icon PDF 126 KB


No petitions were presented.


Announcements or Communications pdf icon PDF 111 KB




The Chair drew the Council’s attention to the written announcement on

actions taken in response to the terrorist outrage in the twin town of

Charlottenburg. The Mayor added that he had been deeply shocked by the

incident especially as he had made many visits to Berlin and knew the

affected area well.


All present observed a one minute silence in memory of the victims of the



Holocaust Memorial


The report was presented by Councillor Pauline Morrison, the Chair of the

Holocaust Memorial Committee. She spoke of the pride she felt in

spearheading the Memorial programme and she highlighted the Sunday

January 29 event in the Rivoli Ballroom which would be attended by Lord

Dubs. She reported that the Committee was firmly inclusive and in the next

year the local Mosque and the LGBT community would be involved in



Councillor Morrison introduced the Rabbi, the Reverend David Rome and the

Cantonial Choir who performed for the Council. The Reverend Rome spoke of

the significance attached to individual action and highlighted the book “The

Promise of a Pencil” by Adam Braun in his remarks.


New Years Honours List


Councillors Dacres and Michael added their congratulations to Beverley

Glean and Councillor Muldoon spoke further about the contribution of Andrew



New Years Day Parade


The Chair reported on the Council’s efforts on the New Years Day Parade and

the money raised for the Lavender Trust.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


13 questions were received from the following members of the public which

were answered by the Cabinet Member indicated. A copy of the questions

and answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council

website with the meeting papers.



Mr Woolford

Cllr Bonavia


Bobby Dean

Cllr Egan


Rosalind Huish

Cllr Smith


Emily Frith

Cllr Smith


John Russell

Cllr Hall


Mrs Richardson

Cllr Best


Mr Richardson

Cllr Best


John Russell



Mrs Richardson

Cllr Best


Mr Richardson

Cllr Smith


John Russell

Cllr Daby


John Russell

Cllr Smith


John Russell

Cllr Onikosi



Member Questions pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Additional documents:


9 questions were received from the following Councillors which were

answered by the Cabinet Members indicated. A copy of the questions and

answers was circulated separately and can be viewed on the Council’s

website with the meeting papers.



Cllr Hall



Cllr Jacq Paschoud

Cllr Maslin


Cllr John Paschoud

Cllr Bonavia


Cllr Curran

Cllr Onikosi


Cllr Hall

Cllr Best


Cllr Curran

Cllr Onikosi


Cllr Hall

Cllr Maslin


Cllr Curran

Cllr Best


Cllr Curran

Cllr Egan



Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 565 KB


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, moved that

the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor

Brenda Dacres and it was:




(1) the outcomes of the consultation be noted;


(2) a local CTRS be retained from 1 April 2017 that passes on any reduction

in government funding, reflecting the Council’s financial position following the

announcement of the Autumn Statement and the provisional Local

Government Financial Settlement (LGFS) in December.


(3) a means-test be introduced for employed, working-age UC recipients to

ensure consistency of CTR awards within the scheme.


(4) additional support continues to be delivered to the most vulnerable residents

through use of the existing provision within Section 13A(1)(c) of the 1992 Local

Government Finance Act.


Council Tax Base 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, moved that

the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Brenda Dacres and it was:




(1) the Council Tax Base calculation for 2016/17, as set out in the annual Council Tax Base government return, be noted;


(2) a Council Tax Base of 81,087.65 Band D equivalent properties for 2017/18 be approved;


(3) a budgeted Council Tax collection rate of 96.0% be approved;


(4) the existing policy of a 0% discount for second homes for 2016/17 be continued for 2017/18;


(5) the existing policy of a 0% discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued;


(6) the existing policy of a 100% discount awarded for a period of four weeks and then a 0% discount thereafter, for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished property) be continued;


(7) the existing policy of an empty homes premium of 50% in respect of long

term empty properties be continued;


(8) consistent with the approach taken in 2016/17, the Council Tax Reduction

Scheme (CTRS) be implemented to reflect reductions in the Settlement

Funding Assessment, which for 2017/18 will mean 33% is passed onto

working age CTRS recipients.


(9) the proposed 2017/18 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net

yield of £58.682m, based on current information available, be noted; and


(10) the approval of the final 2017/18 NNDR1 form be delegated to the

Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration for submission by the

deadline of 31st January 2017.


Public Transport Update pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Curran stated this was the first report received from the Public

Transport Liaison Committee in its new form . He thanked Councillor Muldoon

for chairing the prior informal body and Councillor Hall for leading efforts to

establish a formal Council Committee. He also praised the efforts of

Councillors Upex, Barnham and Clarke in highlighting public transport issues.


Councillor Liam Curran moved that the recommendations be approved and

this was seconded by Councillor Alan Hall. After a response by Councillor

Curran, it was:


RESOLVED that the report be received.


Mayoral Response Broadway Theatre Working Group pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


The Mayor moved that the recommendations be approved and

this was seconded by Councillor Chris Best. Following contributions from

Cpouncillors Walsh, Curran and Coughlin, there was a response by the Mayor

and it was:


RESOLVED that the report be received.


Motion 1 Proposed Councillor Bonavia Seconded Councillor Kennedy pdf icon PDF 110 KB


An amendment received before the deadline on the day before the meeting to

delete all of the text of the original motion and insert the text shown below was

accepted by the mover and seconder.


The motion was moved by Councillor Bonavia and seconded by Councillor

Mallory. Following a contribution from Councillor Coughlin, the motion was

then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.


RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:


“This Council


  1. Notes and welcomes campaigning by trade unions to end the

scandalous practice of ‘blacklisting’, which has been shown to

cause physical and mental deterioration, including premature



2.    Shares the serious concerns of Unite the Union of the potential for continued ‘blacklisting’ activity within the construction industry.


3.    Notes the damning findings of the report of the Scottish Affairs Select



4.    Notes the Welsh Assembly procurement guidelines which, within the

law, bar blacklisters from winning public contracts.


  1. Believes that no company that uses blacklists (as legally defined)

should have benefit from any public procurement.


Therefore, this Council resolves to amend the Council’s guide for

contractors and standard tender documentation specifically to reflect the



That the Council will only award contracts to companies who:


1.     Give a commitment to no blacklisting.


2.     If found guilty of blacklisting, have compensated all those they are

known to have blacklisted, or taken reasonable steps to do so.


3.     Have taken steps to ensure any past blacklisting does not reoccur,

showing evidence of any action taken, including (if appropriate) any

disciplinary action against, including dismissal of, known contracts

for The Consulting Association.


4.     Will give access to trade unions to workers on site for organising

purposes as required by law.


5.     Will recognise trade unions’ rights to negotiate on behalf of

members as required by law.


6.     Will honour recognised construction industry agreements such as

BATJIC, NAECI, PMES, or appropriate agreements for the relevant

sector in so far as they are consistent with the Council’s legal



Further resolves to encourage partners to take a similar approach to contract



Motion 2 Proposed Councillor Bell Seconded Councillor Daby pdf icon PDF 179 KB


An amendment received before the deadline on the day before the meeting to

delete all of the text of the original motion and insert the text shown below was

accepted by the mover and seconder.


The motion was moved by Councillor Bell and seconded by Councillor

Daby. Following contributions from Councillors Egan and Coughlin, the motion

was then put to the vote and declared to be unanimously carried.


RESOLVED that the following motion be agreed:


“Lewisham Council previously voted unanimously against TTIP (the

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). The Canadian/EU Trade

deal called CETA (the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement), a

clone of the moribund TTIP, comes before the European Parliament for a yes

or no vote in early February (1st or 2nd but possibly delayed until the 14th).


CETA, like TTIP’s hated ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement\), would

allow corporations to sue governments under its Investment Court System

(ICS) if they feel the profits they anticipate are hindered by regulation, even if

that regulation is made in the interest of public well-being (e.g. as part of an

anti-smoking campaign or in regard to health and safety).


CETA is fundamentally anti-democratic. This Council asks the Mayor to write

to our London MEPs expressing this council's opposition to CETA and asks

them to vote against the treaty.”


The meeting closed at 9.15pm.