Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Email: Head of Governance and Committee Services
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a true and accurate record. |
Declaration of Interests PDF 84 KB Minutes: None. |
Announcements or Communications PDF 79 KB Minutes: The Speaker announced three deaths, namely of former Councillors Sylvia Scott and Sinna Manni, and of Neil Flanagan, MBE.
Cllrs Best, Wise and Moore shared their memories of Sylvia, and Cllr Harding read an obituary for Sinna.
The Mayor shared a few words about WW2 veteran Neil Flanagan, MBE, who had been a Lewisham resident and a Windrush generation ambassador.
The Council stood for a minute’s silence
in memory of Sylvia, Sinna and
Neil. The Mayor welcomed Cllr David Walker to the Council. He had been elected in a recent by-election to serve as ward councillor in Deptford.
Cllr Krupski announced that the council had won a grant application from the London Mayor’s Air Quality Fund to install up to 5 road vents to extract pollution directly from the air.
The Speaker announced that Cllr John Paschoud had been given a lifetime merit award by the Labour Party.
Lastly, the Mayor welcomed Lewisham Football
Club players to the Chamber, and congratulated them on recently
becoming the Southern Counties East League Division 1 cup winners.
Present at the meeting were Manager Lloyd Davis, Chairman Danny
Fairman and players Cairo Duhaney-Burton, Montel Williams, Georgi
Steeds, Ade Adeyinka and Khayrie
Minutes: Cllr Moore presented a petition on behalf of residents in Grove Park ward objecting to a proposal to install a mast at the junction at Winn Road and Guibal Road. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Supplementary questions were asked and answered as follows:
Supplementary to Question 7 Mark Morris: the original claim was that the scheme would be completed by December 2022. Could the council provide an actual completion date?
Answer: Cllr Walsh – The council cannot give a definitive completion date but anticipate it being 2025.
Supplementary to Question 8 Mark Morris: Will Lewisham council review how it shares important reports with councillors?
Answer: Cllr Walsh – there are almost 2000 workers in the council, therefore it would be impossible to read and digest every report. Details and evidence contained in the Milford Towers report has informed briefing and decision making papers for Mayor and Cabinet, as well as approaches to redevelopment. Portfolio Members and Cabinet are always briefed on such reports, and held to account through the scrutiny process.
Supplementary to Question 24 Mark Bennet (online): will the Mayor ask the Borough Commander how many people have been arrested and charged and how many innocent people have been wrongly stopped using Facial Recognition Technology?
Mayor: in Catford there have been 11 alerts and 6 arrests, including a high risk domestic violence offender
Supplementary to Question 25 Mark Bennet: The Mayor has created 4 new Cabinet Advisor posts and brought about a 45% increase in the cost of Cabinet. What objective criteria will the council use to assess whether the new posts have created value for Lewisham.
Mayor: Lewisham needs strong political leadership. These posts will strengthen political leadership and make sure we are delivering on promises and focusing on priorities.
Supplementary to Question 34 Terence Archibald (online): There is a proposal to site a 3G football pitch on Whitefoot Lane in Downham. I am the president of an archery club that uses the field for shoots. The council is seeking funding for siting of pitch on the field. It’s a large site, is it possible to say where the pitch will be situated if it comes to fruition, and what is the timetable?
Cllr Huynh: the potential site is likely to be left of changing pavilion as you look towards the building. This is subject to approvals and planning consents. I cannot confirm the timetable at this stage.
Supplementary to Question 35 Terence Archibald: Plans include redevelopment
of the existing sports pavilion on site. The archery club has
disabled junior and senior members, and needs accessible toilets.
Can that be factored into planning?
Supplementary to Question 36 Benjamin Brill: Newlands Park houses shaking when vehicles pass, which is impacting on residents’ mental wellbeing and in some cases setting off burglar alarms. What steps is the council taking to solve the problem?
Cllr Krupski: The highways maintenance process doesn’t involve consulting residents. It looks at all streets in the borough and directs funds to the most needed areas. Newlands Park will be assessed next month. If it is not included in the maintenance programme, it will be patched ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Supplemetary to Question 1 Cllr John Paschoud: is Lewisham council affected by any legacy systems installed by Fujitsu?
Cllr De Ryk: I am appalled by the plight of the post office sub post masters and share your concerns concerns about legacy systems installed by Fujitsu. As far as officers are aware, there is no legacy coding that exists in our system however I appreciate your expertise and am keen to meet with you to understand what your concerns are, however we will have to have a best value consciousness.
Supplementary to Question 2 Cllr John Paschoud: how many bins that
genuinely need replacing have been lost at the hands of council
staff rather than by residents?
Urgent decision taken under Rule 18 PDF 80 KB Minutes: The Speaker confirmed that information in the report was noted. |
Appointment to Licensing Committee PDF 74 KB Minutes: It was MOVED by Cllr Anifowose, SECONDED by Cllr Howard and RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Walker to the Licensing Committee. |
Pay Policy Statement PDF 104 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was MOVED by Cllr De Ryk, SECONDED by Cllr Rathbone and RESOLVED that the Council Pay Policy Statement be agreed. |
Minutes: Cllr Olaru proposed the motion on
children’s social care, which Cllr Eiles seconded.
It was RESOLVED that the motion was carried.
Cllr Olaru proposed a second motion concerning changes to immigration rules, which Cllr Warner seconded.
It was RESOLVED that the motion was
carried. |