Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite
Contact: Emma Campbell Smith
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July be agreed as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interests PDF 206 KB Minutes: None. |
Announcements or Communications PDF 11 KB Minutes: The Speaker announced the death of Rosie Fooks, a highly regarded and much-loved community activist and social justice campaigner who had worked for many years in adult and community education, including as the Head of Community Education Lewisham, as well as a school governor and the treasurer of the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign.
Councillor Penfold spoke in remembrance of Rosie, and the Council observed 1 minute’s silence.
The Council received four further announcements on 1) the anniversary of Saving Lewisham’s A&E and Maternity departments 2) Organ donation week 3) Affordable workspaces grants; and 4) Lewisham’s Dockless Bike Partnership
Minutes: Cllr Tam presented a petition on behalf of residents in Evelyn Ward, opposing the introduction of parking permits in the ward. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 58 questions were received and written answers supplied. Some questioners that were present at the meeting asked supplementary questions, and these were answered by the relevant Cabinet Members, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny or the Mayor. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 6 questions were received from Members and written answers supplied. Some Members asked supplementary questions, and these were answered at the meeting. |
Decisions taken under Special Urgency Rule 19 PDF 264 KB Minutes: Cllr De Ryk MOVED, Cllr Barnham SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED to note the decision taken under the urgency provisions in Rule 19 of the constitution. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Best MOVED, Cllr Webley-Brown SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED to 1) note the revised terms of reference for the South East London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and 2) instruct the Monitoring Officer to make the necessary changes to the Constitution.
Treasury Management Strategy Mid-Year Review PDF 324 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr De Ryk MOVED, Cllr Rathbone SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED to agree the updated Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24.
Recruitment of the Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive) DOTX 53 KB Minutes: The Acting Chief Executive left the Council Chamber before the commencement of this item.
The Mayor MOVED, the Deputy Mayor SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED that: 1) the process for recruiting a permanent Chief Executive is commenced as soon as is reasonably practicable; 2) The Appointments Committee assists the Council in the recruitment process with a report being brought to a future meeting of the Council to confirm the appointment of the permanent postholder; 3) That the composition of the Appointments Committee be confirmed as detailed in paragraph 4.2 of the report; and 4) The Mayor, in consultation with the Director of Law & Corporate Governance and the Director of People & Organisational Development, be authorised to finalise the matters referred to in paragraph 5.1 of the report.
Minutes: Cllr Huynh MOVED, Cllr Tam SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED to carry the motion to support and recognise East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities and heritage in Lewisham and nationally. |