Council meetings

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite

Contact: Emma Aye-Kumi 


No. Item


Election of Speaker pdf icon PDF 23 KB


Councillor Stamirowski MOVED, Councillor Schmidt SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Councillor Anwar be elected as Speaker for 2023/24.


Councillor Stamirowski MOVED, Councillor Schmidt SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Councillor Anwar be elected as Speaker for 2023/24. 


Election of Deputy Speaker pdf icon PDF 11 KB


Councillor Stamirowski MOVED, Councillor Schmidt SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Councillor Jacq Paschoud be elected as Deputy Speaker for 2023/24.



Councillor Stamirowski MOVED, Councillor Schmidt SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Councillor Jacq Paschoud be elected as Deputy Speaker for 2023/24.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on March 1 2023 be agreed as a correct record.



It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on March 1 2023 be agreed as a correct record.



Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 206 KB






Announcements or Communications pdf icon PDF 103 KB


RESOLVED that the written announcement be noted.



RESOLVED that the written announcement be noted.



Executive Composition pdf icon PDF 11 KB

Additional documents:


The Mayor informed the Council of the composition of his Cabinet for the municipal year 2023-24 as follows:





Damien Egan


Mayor of Lewisham

Cllr Brenda Dacres


Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing Development and Planning


Cllr Chris Barnham


Cabinet Member for Children and Young People


Cllr Paul Bell


Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care

Cllr Juliet Campbell

Cabinet Member for Communities, Refugees and Wellbeing


Cllr Sophie Davis

Cabinet Member for Housing Management

Homelessness and Community Safety


Cllr Amanda de Ryk

Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy


Cllr Louise Krupski

Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate



Cllr Kim Powell


Cabinet Member for Businesses, Jobs and Skills

Cllr André Bourne

Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Communications (job share)


Cllr James-J Walsh

Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Communications (job share)




The Mayor informed the Council of the composition of his Cabinet for the municipal year 2023-24 as follows:





Damien Egan


Mayor of Lewisham

Cllr Brenda Dacres


Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing Development and Planning


Cllr Chris Barnham


Cabinet Member for Children and Young People


Cllr Paul Bell


Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care

Cllr Juliet Campbell

Cabinet Member for Communities, Refugees and Wellbeing


Cllr Sophie Davis

Cabinet Member for Housing Management

Homelessness and Community Safety


Cllr Amanda de Ryk

Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy


Cllr Louise Krupski

Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate



Cllr Kim Powell


Cabinet Member for Businesses, Jobs and Skills

Cllr André Bourne

Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Communications (job share)


Cllr James-J Walsh

Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Communications (job share)




Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The Speaker MOVED, Cllr Jacq Paschoud SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to note that there were no changes to the existing Mayoral

Scheme of Delegation in Part VIII of the Council’s Constitution.



The Speaker MOVED, Cllr Jacq Paschoud SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to note that there were no changes to the existing Mayoral

Scheme of Delegation in Part VIII of the Council’s Constitution.



Constitutional Changes - Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 649 KB


Councillor MOVED the report and proposed an additional recommendation that the Chairs of Planning A and B take turns to Chair the Strategic Planning Committee, with the other being Vice Chair.


It was also noted that the Monitoring Officer would ensure the terminology used in the Constitution is appropriate and also ‘tidy up’ any minor spelling, grammatical and formatting errors.


Councillor Wise SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that the following was agreed:


Petition Scheme Recommendations

1.    That the Council adopts the revised petition scheme as set out in the report with immediate effect.


Amalgamation of Committees Recommendations

1.      The Audit Panel be renamed the Audit & Risk Management Committee;

2.      The Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Committee be paid Special Responsibility Allowance of £7151 in recognition of the remit of the committee;

3.      That the Audit & Risk Management Committee meets six times a year;

4.      That there are no changes to the Health & Safety Committee at present but the matter is kept under review following the transfer of the housing stock to the Council from Lewisham Homes;

5.      That the Elections Committee and Constitutional Working Party are merged into a Governance Committee that meets as and when required as determined by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chair of the committee.

6.      A Special Responsibility Allowance of £7151 be paid to the Chair of Pensions Investments Committee.


Planning Committee Arrangements Recommendations

1.      The deletion of the current four committees and the establishment of two main planning committees of equal standing;

2.      The creation of a new Strategic Planning Committee, which only meets when an application falls within Parts 1-4 of the Schedule to The Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.

3.      That the new Strategic Planning Committee be constituted as follows: -

a.      Chairs of the two Planning Committees;

b.      Vice-Chairs of the two Planning Committees;

c.      Two Cabinet Members nominated by the Mayor;

d.      One other member from each of the two Planning Committees.

4.      That the Chairs of both committees be paid a Special Responsibility Allowance of £10,216 (an amount equal to the current SRA payable to the Chair of Strategic Planning Committee) and the Chair of Strategic Planning Committee does not get a Special Responsibility Allowance;

5.      That each main committee has a membership of 8 councillors;

6.      That each main committee meets bi-monthly;

7.      That the threshold for referral to a main Committee be increased from 3 objections to 10 objections;

8.      That amenity societies must be formally constituted and meet the terms of the London Forum for Amenity and Civic Societies;

9.      That any objection from an amenity society is not automatically referred to a main committee but suitability for referral to committee is determined by the Director of Planning in consultation with the Chairs of both committees (or Vice-Chairs in their absence) in a Chairs’ Briefing.

10.   That the Chairs of Planning Committee A and Planning Committee B will be Chair and Vice Chair of the Strategic Planning  ...  view the full decision text for item 8.


Councillor MOVED the report and proposed an additional recommendation that the Chairs of Planning A and B take turns to Chair the Strategic Planning Committee, with the other being Vice Chair.


It was also noted that the Monitoring Officer would ensure the terminology used in the Constitution is appropriate and also ‘tidy up’ any minor spelling, grammatical and formatting errors.


Councillor Wise SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that the following was agreed:


Petition Scheme Recommendations

1.    That the Council adopts the revised petition scheme as set out in the report with immediate effect.


Amalgamation of Committees Recommendations

1.      The Audit Panel be renamed the Audit & Risk Management Committee;

2.      The Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Committee be paid Special Responsibility Allowance of £7151 in recognition of the remit of the committee;

3.      That the Audit & Risk Management Committee meets six times a year;

4.      That there are no changes to the Health & Safety Committee at present but the matter is kept under review following the transfer of the housing stock to the Council from Lewisham Homes;

5.      That the Elections Committee and Constitutional Working Party are merged into a Governance Committee that meets as and when required as determined by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chair of the committee.

6.      A Special Responsibility Allowance of £7151 be paid to the Chair of Pensions Investments Committee.


Planning Committee Arrangements Recommendations

1.      The deletion of the current four committees and the establishment of two main planning committees of equal standing;

2.      The creation of a new Strategic Planning Committee, which only meets when an application falls within Parts 1-4 of the Schedule to The Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.

3.      That the new Strategic Planning Committee be constituted as follows: -

a.      Chairs of the two Planning Committees;

b.      Vice-Chairs of the two Planning Committees;

c.      Two Cabinet Members nominated by the Mayor;

d.      One other member from each of the two Planning Committees.

4.      That the Chairs of both committees be paid a Special Responsibility Allowance of £10,216 (an amount equal to the current SRA payable to the Chair of Strategic Planning Committee) and the Chair of Strategic Planning Committee does not get a Special Responsibility Allowance;

5.      That each main committee has a membership of 8 councillors;

6.      That each main committee meets bi-monthly;

7.      That the threshold for referral to a main Committee be increased from 3 objections to 10 objections;

8.      That amenity societies must be formally constituted and meet the terms of the London Forum for Amenity and Civic Societies;

9.      That any objection from an amenity society is not automatically referred to a main committee but suitability for referral to committee is determined by the Director of Planning in consultation with the Chairs of both committees (or Vice-Chairs in their absence) in a Chairs’ Briefing.

10.   That the Chairs of Planning Committee A and Planning Committee B will be Chair and Vice Chair of the Strategic Planning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Committee Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 233 KB


The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and Council RESOLVED to note agree the revised Terms of Reference for Planning Committees A and B, Strategic Planning Committee, Governance Committee and Audit and Risk Committee.


The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and Council RESOLVED to note agree the revised Terms of Reference for Planning Committees A and B, Strategic Planning Committee, Governance Committee and Audit and Risk Committee.


Allocation of seats pdf icon PDF 15 KB


Cllr Stamirowski MOVED, Cllr Schmidt SECONDED, and Council RESOLVED that all seats on all committees be allocated to the Labour Group.


Cllr Stamirowski MOVED, Cllr Schmidt SECONDED, and Council RESOLVED that all seats on all committees be allocated to the Labour Group.


Appointments to Committees pdf icon PDF 11 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr Stamirowski MOVED, Cllr Schmidt SECONDED and Council RESOLVED that the following appointments to Committees were agreed:        


Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Rudi Schmidt

Ese Erheriene

Luke Sorba

Chris Best

Stephen Penfold

James Rathbone

Liam Shrivastava

James Royston

Joan Millbank

Mark Ingleby


Children & Young People Select Committee

Luke Sorba

Luke Warner

Yemisi Anifowose

Hilary Moore

Liz Johnston-Franklin

Jacqueline Paschoud

Jack Lavery

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon (non-councillor co-optee)

Rev. Erica Wooff (non-councillor co-optee)

Brian Strom (non-councillor co-optee)

Clive Caseley (non-councillor co-optee)

Oluwafela Ajayi (non-councillor co-optee)

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon (non-councillor co-optee)


Healthier Communities Select Committee

Chris Best

Alyia Sheikh

Laura Cunningham

Peter Bernards

Stephen Hayes

John Muldoon

Carol Webley-Brown


Housing Select Committee


Stephen Penfold

Will Cooper

Suzannah Clarke

Rosie Parry

Natasha Burgess

Bill Brown

Sakina Sheikh


Public Accounts Select Committee

James Rathbone

Billy Harding

Eva Kestner

Joan Millbank

Aisha Malik-Smith

Mark Ingelby

Susan Wise


Safer Stronger Select Committee

Liam Shrivastava

Hau-Yu Tam

Ayesha Lahai-Taylor

Mark Jackson

Oana Olaru

Coral Ann Howard

Rachel Onikosi


Sustainable Development Select Committee

James Royston

Edison Huynh

Sian Eiles

Tauseef Anwar

Liam Curran

Eva Stamirowski

John Paschoud


Health & Safety Committee

Laura Cunningham

Paul Bell

Natasha Burgess

Chris Best

Carol Webley-Brown

Ayesha Lahai-Taylor


Pensions Investment Committee

Sian Eiles

Louise Krupski

John Muldoon

James Royston

Liam Shrivastava

Mark Ingleby

Mark Jackson

Chris Best


Governance Committee

Jacq Paschoud

James-J Walsh (CAB)

Will Cooper

Aisha Malik-Smith

Oana Olaru

John Paschoud


Council Urgency Committee

Tauseef Anwar

Brenda Dacres

Paul Bell

Rudi Schmidt

Joan Millbank

Jacq Paschoud


Standards Committee

Hilary Moore

Bill Brown

Brenda Dacres

Rosie Parry

Aliya Sheikh

Eva Stamirowski

Will Cooper

Peter Bernards

James Rathbone

Rachel Onikosi

Cathy Sullivan (non-councillor co-optee)

Gill Butler (non-councillor co-optee)

David Roper Newman (non-councillor co-optee)

Leslie Thomas (non-councillor co-optee)

Fasil Bhatti (non-councillor co-optee)

Joy Walton (non-councillor co-optee)



Appointments Committee

Rudi Schmidt 

Cabinet Member

Cabinet Member

Joan Millbank

Peter Bernards



Audit & Risk

Eva Kestner

Hau-Yu Tam

Billy Harding

James Rathbone

Suzannah Clarke

Luke Sorba

Ian Pleace (non-councillor)

Stephen Warren (non-councillor)

Carole Murray (non-councillor)

1 non-councillor vacancy


Public Transport Liaison Committee

James Royston

Edison Huynh

Louise Krupski

Open to all Cllrs

Licensing Committee

Susan Wise



Yemisi Anifowose



Coral Ann Howard



Bill Brown



Luke Warner



Eva Kestner



Mark Jackson



Liam Shrivastava



Edison Huynh



Stephen Hayes




Planning Committee A


Peter Bernards

Sian Eiles

Sakina Sheikh

Rosie Parry

Jacq Paschoud

William Cooper

Liam Curran

Stephen Penfold


Planning Committee B

Jack Lavery

Aliya Sheikh

Hilary Moore

Liz Johnston-Franklin

John Paschoud

Billy Harding

Oana Olaru

John Muldoon


Strategic Planning Committee

Peter Bernards

Jack Lavery

Sian Eiles

Aliya Sheikh

Liam Curran

John Paschoud

Cabinet Member

Cabinet Member




Cllr Stamirowski MOVED, Cllr Schmidt SECONDED and Council RESOLVED that the following appointments to Committees were agreed:


Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Rudi Schmidt

Ese Erheriene

Luke Sorba

Chris Best

Stephen Penfold

James Rathbone

Liam Shrivastava

James Royston

Joan Millbank

Mark Ingleby


Children & Young People Select Committee

Luke Sorba

Luke Warner

Yemisi Anifowose

Hilary Moore

Liz Johnston-Franklin

Jacqueline Paschoud

Jack Lavery

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon (non-councillor co-optee)

Rev. Erica Wooff (non-councillor co-optee)

Brian Strom (non-councillor co-optee)

Clive Caseley (non-councillor co-optee)

Oluwafela Ajayi (non-councillor co-optee)

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon (non-councillor co-optee)


Healthier Communities Select Committee

Chris Best

Alyia Sheikh

Laura Cunningham

Peter Bernards

Stephen Hayes

John Muldoon

Carol Webley-Brown


Housing Select Committee


Stephen Penfold

Will Cooper

Suzannah Clarke

Rosie Parry

Natasha Burgess

Bill Brown

Sakina Sheikh


Public Accounts Select Committee

James Rathbone

Billy Harding

Eva Kestner

Joan Millbank

Aisha Malik-Smith

Mark Ingelby

Susan Wise


Safer Stronger Select Committee

Liam Shrivastava

Hau-Yu Tam

Ayesha Lahai-Taylor

Mark Jackson

Oana Olaru

Coral Ann Howard

Rachel Onikosi


Sustainable Development Select Committee

James Royston

Edison Huynh

Sian Eiles

Tauseef Anwar

Liam Curran

Eva Stamirowski

John Paschoud


Health & Safety Committee

Laura Cunningham

Paul Bell

Natasha Burgess

Chris Best

Carol Webley-Brown

Ayesha Lahai-Taylor


Pensions Investment Committee

Sian Eiles

Louise Krupski

John Muldoon

James Royston

Liam Shrivastava

Mark Ingleby

Mark Jackson

Chris Best


Governance Committee

Jacq Paschoud

James-J Walsh (CAB)

Will Cooper

Aisha Malik-Smith

Oana Olaru

John Paschoud


Council Urgency Committee

Tauseef Anwar

Brenda Dacres

Paul Bell

Rudi Schmidt

Joan Millbank

Jacq Paschoud


Standards Committee

Hilary Moore

Bill Brown

Brenda Dacres

Rosie Parry

Aliya Sheikh

Eva Stamirowski

Will Cooper

Peter Bernards

James Rathbone

Rachel Onikosi

Cathy Sullivan (non-councillor co-optee)

Gill Butler (non-councillor co-optee)

David Roper Newman (non-councillor co-optee)

Leslie Thomas (non-councillor co-optee)

Fasil Bhatti (non-councillor co-optee)

Joy Walton (non-councillor co-optee)



Appointments Committee

Rudi Schmidt 

Cabinet Member

Cabinet Member

Joan Millbank

Peter Bernards



Audit & Risk

Eva Kestner

Hau-Yu Tam

Billy Harding

James Rathbone

Suzannah Clarke

Luke Sorba

Ian Pleace (non-councillor)

Stephen Warren (non-councillor)

Carole Murray (non-councillor)

1 non-councillor vacancy


Public Transport Liaison Committee

James Royston

Edison Huynh

Louise Krupski

Open to all Cllrs

Licensing Committee

Susan Wise



Yemisi Anifowose



Coral Ann Howard



Bill Brown



Luke Warner



Eva Kestner



Mark Jackson



Liam Shrivastava



Edison Huynh



Stephen Hayes




Planning Committee A


Peter Bernards

Sian Eiles

Sakina Sheikh

Rosie Parry

Jacq Paschoud

William Cooper

Liam Curran

Stephen Penfold


Planning Committee B

Jack Lavery

Aliya Sheikh

Hilary Moore

Liz Johnston-Franklin

John Paschoud

Billy Harding

Oana Olaru

John Muldoon


Strategic Planning Committee

Peter Bernards

Jack Lavery

Sian Eiles

Aliya Sheikh

Liam Curran

John Paschoud

Cabinet Member

Cabinet Member




Appointments to outside bodies pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and Council RESOLVED that the following appointments to outside bodies were agreed:



Appointment 23/24



Age Exchange Board of Trustees (1)

Amanda de Ryk


Blackheath Cllrs only /

1 day work p/month

Albany 2001 Council of Management (1)


Stephen Hayes


1 day work p/month

Albion Millennium Green Trust (1)

Billy Harding



Blackheath Joint Working Party (3)

Amanda de Ryk

Juliet Campbell

Luke Warner

Blackheath Cllrs only

Deptford Challenge Trust  (1)

Rosie Parry


1 meeting a month – 3 hrs avg

Lewisham Local History Society (1)

Jacq Paschoud



London Youth Games (2)

Hilary Moore

Aisha Malik-Smith

1 -2 days at Games in July & support to Team Lewisham

Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust (1)

Laura Cunningham


1 meeting every 6 weeks, 2 hrs avg

Trinity Laban (1)

Laura Cunningham


0.5-1 day p/month

Our Healthier South East London (OHSEL) JHOSC (2)

Chris Best

Carol Webley-Brown

4 meetings a year & travel to different Boroughs

Youth First Board (1)

Edison Huynh


4 year term / 1.5 days






The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and Council RESOLVED that the following appointments to outside bodies were agreed:



Appointment 23/24



Age Exchange Board of Trustees (1)

Amanda de Ryk


Blackheath Cllrs only /

1 day work p/month

Albany 2001 Council of Management (1)


Stephen Hayes


1 day work p/month

Albion Millennium Green Trust (1)

Billy Harding



Blackheath Joint Working Party (3)

Amanda de Ryk

Juliet Campbell

Luke Warner

Blackheath Cllrs only

Deptford Challenge Trust  (1)

Rosie Parry


1 meeting a month – 3 hrs avg

Lewisham Local History Society (1)

Jacq Paschoud



London Youth Games (2)

Hilary Moore

Aisha Malik-Smith

1 -2 days at Games in July & support to Team Lewisham

Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust (1)

Laura Cunningham


1 meeting every 6 weeks, 2 hrs avg

Trinity Laban (1)

Laura Cunningham


0.5-1 day p/month

Our Healthier South East London (OHSEL) JHOSC (2)

Chris Best

Carol Webley-Brown

4 meetings a year & travel to different Boroughs

Youth First Board (1)

Edison Huynh


4 year term / 1.5 days






Mayoral appointments 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


The Mayor informed the Council of the following mayoral appointments:




Appointment 23/4

Brent, Lewisham, Southwark IT Committee (2) 

Amanda de Ryk

Brenda Dacres

Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership Board

Chris Barnham

Corporate Parenting Group (6)


Chris Barnham (Cabinet)

Paul Bell (Cabinet)

Luke Sorba

Jacq Paschoud

Carol Webley-Brown

Edison Huynh

Groundwork Local Authority Strategic Input Board

Susan Wise

Health & Wellbeing Board (2)

Damien Egan

Paul Bell

Intercultural Cities: Group Spokesperson 

Edison Huynh


Joint Street Lighting Committee (2)  

Louise Krupski

Amanda de Ryk

Lewisham Homes Board (2) 



Susan Wise

Mark Jackson


Lewisham College

Hilary Moore

Lewisham Local Collaborative

Joan Millbank

Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board

Hau-Yu Tam

Local Government Association – General Assembly (4)

Damien Egan

Brenda Dacres

Chris Barnham

Rudi Schmidt

London Councils:

a.      Leaders’ Committee

b.      Grants Committee

c.       Greater London Employment Forum

d.      Transport & Environment Committee


a.      Damien Egan / Brenda Dacres

b.      Damien Egan / Juliet Campbell

c.       Amanda de Ryk / Kim Powell

d.      Louise Krupski / Brenda Dacres

London Road Safety Council (2) 

John Paschoud

Carol Webley Brown

Newable (Greater London Enterprise) 

Kim Powell

Phoenix Community Housing Association (2) 

Jacqueline Paschoud

Oana Olaru



Positive Ageing Council Steering Group

Coral Howard 

Safer Lewisham Partnership


SLaM Governor

James Rathbone

Social Services Fostering Panel 

Jacqueline Paschoud

South East London Combined Heat & Power (SELCHP) Board

James Royston

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (3) 

Jacqueline Paschoud
Liz Johnston-Franklin
Aliya Sheikh

London South East Flood Risk Partnership

Louise Krupski

Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association

Jacqueline Paschoud

Works Council

All Cabinet members

Capital Letters

Sophie Davis








Evening and Night Time Economy Champion

Will Cooper

Mental Health Champion

Stephen Hayes

Cycling Champion

Mark Ingleby

Armed Forces Champion

Brenda Dacres

Heritage Champion

Chris Best

Air Quality Champion

Yemisi Anifowose









The Mayor informed the Council of the following mayoral appointments:




Appointment 23/4

Brent, Lewisham, Southwark IT Committee (2) 

Amanda de Ryk

Brenda Dacres

Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership Board

Chris Barnham

Corporate Parenting Group (6)


Chris Barnham (Cabinet)

Paul Bell (Cabinet)

Luke Sorba

Jacq Paschoud

Carol Webley-Brown

Edison Huynh

Groundwork Local Authority Strategic Input Board

Susan Wise

Health & Wellbeing Board (2)

Damien Egan

Paul Bell

Intercultural Cities: Group Spokesperson 

Edison Huynh


Joint Street Lighting Committee (2)  

Louise Krupski

Amanda de Ryk

Lewisham Homes Board (2) 



Susan Wise

Mark Jackson


Lewisham College

Hilary Moore

Lewisham Local Collaborative

Joan Millbank

Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board

Hau-Yu Tam

Local Government Association – General Assembly (4)

Damien Egan

Brenda Dacres

Chris Barnham

Rudi Schmidt

London Councils:

a.      Leaders’ Committee

b.      Grants Committee

c.       Greater London Employment Forum

d.      Transport & Environment Committee


a.      Damien Egan / Brenda Dacres

b.      Damien Egan / Juliet Campbell

c.       Amanda de Ryk / Kim Powell

d.      Louise Krupski / Brenda Dacres

London Road Safety Council (2) 

John Paschoud

Carol Webley Brown

Newable (Greater London Enterprise) 

Kim Powell

Phoenix Community Housing Association (2) 

Jacqueline Paschoud

Oana Olaru



Positive Ageing Council Steering Group

Coral Howard 

Safer Lewisham Partnership


SLaM Governor

James Rathbone

Social Services Fostering Panel 

Jacqueline Paschoud

South East London Combined Heat & Power (SELCHP) Board

James Royston

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (3) 

Jacqueline Paschoud
Liz Johnston-Franklin
Aliya Sheikh

London South East Flood Risk Partnership

Louise Krupski

Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association

Jacqueline Paschoud

Works Council

All Cabinet members

Capital Letters

Sophie Davis








Evening and Night Time Economy Champion

Will Cooper

Mental Health Champion

Stephen Hayes

Cycling Champion

Mark Ingleby

Armed Forces Champion

Brenda Dacres

Heritage Champion

Chris Best

Air Quality Champion

Yemisi Anifowose









Council meetings calendar 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED that:


(1) ordinary meetings of the Council be held on 17 May 2023, 3 July 2023,

27 September 2023, 22 November 2023, 28 February 2024 and 13 March 2024 and that the Annual General Meeting be held on 27 March 2023; and


(2) the schedule of meetings that was tabled at the meeting for the municipal year 2023/24 be approved.




The Speaker MOVED, the Deputy Speaker SECONDED and the Council RESOLVED that:


(1) ordinary meetings of the Council be held on 17 May 2023, 3 July 2023,

27 September 2023, 22 November 2023, 28 February 2024 and 13 March 2024 and that the Annual General Meeting be held on 27 March 2023; and


(2) the schedule of meetings that was tabled at the meeting for the municipal year 2023/24 be approved.




Annual Mayoral report


The Mayor’s speech was noted.


The Mayor delivered his annual address to Council which can be viewed in

entirety at