Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: John Bardens (02083149976)
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2017 PDF 134 KB Decision: Resolved: the minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record. |
Declarations of interest PDF 200 KB Minutes: Councillor John Muldoon is a governor of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
Councillor Susan Wise is a governor of the King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. |
Responses from Mayor and Cabinet PDF 99 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: The committee noted the Health and Wellbeing Board’s response to committee’s referral on integration. Minutes: Resolved: The committee noted the Health and Wellbeing Board’s response to committee’s referral on integration. |
SLaM quality account PDF 116 KB Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: The committee noted the quality account. Minutes: Amanda Pithouse (Deputy Director of Nursing, SLaM) and colleagues introduced the report. The following key points were noted: 4.1 The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) draft Quality Account for 2016/17 sets out the Trust’s performance against the quality priorities and national priorities set last year, as well as setting out new priority areas for the coming year. It is part of SLaM’s five-year 2014-19 Quality Strategy, which comprises more than 100 quality-improvement projects. 4.2 The quality priorities for 2016/17 covered patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience. The Trust set nine priorities, achieved four and has seen improvement in all areas except staffing. Given the staffing pressures, SLaM is currently working with local partners (Oxleas and St George’s NHS Foundation Trusts) to consider new workforce models. 4.3 Overall, the number of restraints in the Trust has decreased by 20%. The number of prone restraints, however, has increased by 9% – the Trust had aimed for a reduction of 20%. This could be the result of better reporting by staff. The Trust is aiming for a 50% reduction in prone restraint in 2017/18. 4.4 Overall, 91% of patients received a full risk assessment – exceeding the target of 85%. This could be the result of an improved electronic system at the Trust. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) said in its recent report that it had also noticed improvements in this area. 4.5 The Trust achieved its target for people feeling involved in their care, with 90% of patients saying that they do. The Trust is however carrying out further work to speak to patients and understand what it means to them to be involved in their care. 4.6 The Trust partially achieved its target for physical healthcare screening of patients, with 93% of inpatient, 77% of early intervention services users and 68% of community service users assessed. The target for inpatient and early intervention was 90%, the target for community users was 50%. 4.7 43% of identified carers were offered a carers assessment and a carers care plan. The Trust did not achieve its target of 50%. In response to feedback from carers, the Trust has developed a new assessment tool which looks at more than just the financial aspects. 4.8 The Trust has set 12 priorities for 2017-18. This includes a new strand on staff experience, which includes priorities relating to staff wellbeing, stress and whether staff would recommend the Trust as a place to work. 4.9 The southeast London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) should help the Trust improve further in some quality areas, for example, providing care closer to people’s homes. 4.10 The impact of Brexit on nursing staff is unclear at the moment. The Trust has significant challenges in this area already. This is why it is collaborating with local partners (Oxleas and St Georges NHS Foundation Trusts) to try to reduce Trusts competing for staff. 4.11 Providing care close to home is about providing more person-centred care in the community. It involves community ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Neighbourhood care networks update PDF 631 KB Decision: Resolved: The committee noted the update. Minutes: Sarah Wainer (Programme Lead, Whole System Model of Care, Lewisham CCG) introduced the report. The following key points were noted: 5.1 Neighbourhood Care Networks (NCN) are a key part of the development of community-based care in Lewisham. There are currently four NCNs arranged around four neighbourhood area footprints. 5.2 Activity to improve the co-ordination and delivery of care and support includes holding further Multi-Disciplinary Meetings; Neighbourhood Coordinators supporting health and care staff in each neighbourhood; Lewisham’s Single Point of Access continuing to support residents with information and advice; and the introduction of online assessment forms for services users and carers. Officers are also looking at how those people who need support in making online self-referrals can receive support to do so, for example from their local community library/hub. 5.3 Staff who have been involved in Multi-Disciplinary Meetings have said how useful they have been, how they’ve helped professionals to take a more holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing and to coordinate that care around the patient or service user. 5.4 With the right advice and support, many people can be supported to help themselves. People who present at GP surgeries, or elsewhere, who would benefit from local opportunities or activities which would help to maintain or improve their health and wellbeing can be referred to Community Connections (if over 18) or Lewisham SAIL (if over 65) and be connected to activities and opportunities available in their local neighbourhood. Anyone can make a SAIL or Community Connections referral.
Resolved: The committee noted the update. |
Social prescribing in-depth review scope note PDF 440 KB Decision: Resolved: The committee noted the scoping paper for the review and agreed the key lines of enquiry. Minutes: John Bardens (Scrutiny Manager) introduced the report. 6.1 Members discussed the scoping paper and suggested a number of possible site visits as part of the review, including the Health Living Centre and St Mary's Therapeutic Garden in Lewisham and the Bromley-by-Bow centre in Tower Hamlets. Members also suggested making contact with the NHS’s National Clinical Champion for social prescribing, Dr Michael Dixon.
Resolved: The committee noted the scoping paper for the review and agreed the key lines of enquiry. |
Select Committee work programme PDF 275 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: The committee noted the work programme. Minutes: John Bardens (Scrutiny Manager) introduced the report and updated members on a number of developments with the work programme, including: 7.1 An item on charging for some adult social care services is expected to be brought to committee in July. This follows on from the savings brought to the committee last year. It will set out the proposed charges and consultation process. 7.2 The report on the CQC inspection of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust will not be published in time for the July meeting. This item will be postponed until there is a date for publication.
Resolved: The committee noted the work programme. |
Referrals to Mayor and Cabinet Decision: The committee didn’t make any referrals. Minutes: The committee didn’t make any referrals. |