Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Olga Cole
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 11 July 2017 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None received. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Items Minutes: Panel Members noted that there had been slippages on the responses for the four items listed in the report. They were informed by the Head of Business Committee that the responses had been delayed following Legal Advice to do so until after the General Election. These responses have now been agreed at the Mayor and Cabinet meeting on 19 July and would be going to the respective Select Committees.
The Chair said he was aware that the response to the Post Office Services referral might be sensitive, and requested that Business Panel Members be kept informed about the results of the consultations.
Action >>>>>> ED Customer Service
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Notification of Late and Urgent Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 19 July 2017 Additional documents:
Minutes: Beckenham Place Park Regeneration Update
The Project Manager, Regeneration and Asset Management introduced the report. The Chair thanked officers for their tabled response to the questions received from a member of the public, and asked that the questions and responses be published on the Council’s website.
Action >>>>>> ED Res.& Regen.
Business Panel Members asked if it would only be the eastern side of the railway used for the flood alleviation scheme, and whether embankments would be built around the east end of the park, and this was confirmed by officers.
Councillor Sorba said that he did not receive a complete answer to his earlier question to officers about the criteria used to determine who was appointed Manager to the Mansion. He said there had been rumours about the Council demonstrating favouritism. The Senior Programme Manager Regeneration and Place explained the options open to officers and their decision to identify a tenant in order to safeguard the building, and save on security costs. Councillor Sorba asked that Business Panel Members be sent the information on the selection process for the Manager of the building.
Action >>>>>> ED Res.& Regen.
The Chair questioned whether due diligence was in place when the selection was done. He asked whether the Council would benefit from profits made by the Manager of the building, and was told it was unlikely there would be any profit from this arrangement, as the Council was already saving around £450k from the lease put in place. The Chair said he was concerned that Members were not informed of the process officers had chosen to select the Manager of the building.
Councillor Curran said Panel Members were concerned that the selection process did not seem open and fair, and other members of the public might have wanted to put in a bid given the opportunity. He added that the bid for the Heritage Lottery had to be done right, but 5 years might be a long time. The Project Manager, Regeneration and Asset Management responded that more activities were taking place in the Mansion now than ever, and more events and activities would be added over the years. She said the Council might even see some profit within the next few years.
The Senior Programme ManagerRegeneration and Place said officers had feedback from various groups about activities in the building, and so far they were happy with its current use. The Chair said if decisions were being made by a small group of officers, a lot of opposition should be expected from members of the public and other organisations. The Chair said key stakeholders needed to be engaged in the process.
The Project Manager, Regeneration and Asset Management said she was sorry to hear about opposition to the present use of the building as she had received a lot of positive feedback to date. Councillor Sorba commented that he was glad to hear about the various activities that were been held at the venue, and requested an audit of the socio ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes 2017-18 - oral update Minutes: The Interim Scrutiny Manager informed Panel Members that most of the Select Committees had met, and currently there were 2 health issues on the Healthier Communities Select Committee agenda, and the tabled referral would be going to Mayor and Cabinet in September.
Councillor Muldoon informed Panel Members that contrary to some views the ICO Health Group proposal for Grove Park was not a done deal as it would need the cooperation of GPs, and there was a risk of not having planning application granted. It was noted that a referral had been made to Mayor and Cabinet to consider urgently.
The Chair proposed that the referral should be brought to the attention of the Mayor, requesting that the Mayor is asked to decide whether an urgent action was required. This was agreed by Panel Members.
Action >>>>>> ED Res. & Regen.
Councillor Curran informed Panel Members that an issue had arisen during the Grenfell Tower discussion, it had come to Members attention that Lewisham was only responsible for 60% of all the tall buildings in the borough with the rest privately owned. On behalf of the Sustainable Development Select Committee he proposed that Health and Safety checks and risk assessment that had been recommended for all Council owned tall Buildings should be extended to all tall buildings to include privately owned ones. Panel Members agreed the proposal.
The Chair informed Members that he had written a letter to the Chief Executive asking for information about safety checks on all tall Buildings in the Lewisham Regeneration areas. He said reports on this would be going to the Housing Select Committee, the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and the Sustainable Development Select Committee.
Councillor Curran said the Sustainable Development Select Committee was also seeking the co-operation of the Fire Brigade to produce the information on safety checks done on all Lewisham tall buildings to be made available to the public.
The Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration said there was a discussion about private properties at the last Sustainable Development Select Committee. She said officers would do their best to assess the information collected and would pass on this information to all Council Members.
Action >>>>>> ED Res. & Regen.
Business Panel Members noted and welcomed the cancellation of the JHOSC meeting scheduled for 26 July. The Chair thanked the Head of Law for the Legal Advice she gave, as this information would assist in requesting that JHOSC consider the proposal for consultation for Lewisham hospital.
i. that the report be noted. ii. that the referral from the Healthier Communities Select Committee on the consolidation of the ICO Health Group primary care services in Grove Park and the intention to build a new purpose-built Health Centre be brought to the attention of the Mayor, and that he be asked to exercise his discretion and decide whether any urgent action was required.
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, as amended by the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to information) (Amendments) (England) Regulations 2006 and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:
The following is a summary of the items considered in the closed part of the meeting:
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 19 July 2017 Minutes: Catford Programme Update and A205 Realignment Options 1 & 2
RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted.
Meeting ended: 8:55pm Chair……………. |