Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Olga Cole
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes 106 – Decision made by an Executive Director Under Delegated Authority – Appointment of Landscape Architects for the Delivery of Beckenham Place Park
The Chair requested that the Head of Law and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be reminded to action Business Panel’s request with a written response circulated to Business Panel Members.
Action >>>>>> ED Resources & Regeneration, Head of Law
RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 2 May 2017 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None declared. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Notification of Late and Urgent Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Decisions Made by Mayor and Cabinet on 10 May 2017 Minutes: Catford Regeneration Partnership Limited 2017-18 Business Plan
The Capital Programme Delivery Services Manager introduced the report.
The Chair said that in the past Business Panel had requested that the number of the Company’s Directors be increased from 2 to 3, and for a non Executive Member input in the decision making process. The Chair said it was important that the Legal Team and the Constitution Working Party look at this closely especially as the Company is expected to become more active. The Chair added that in the current situation it could be down to just one person making decisions, wehich he did not think was acceptable.
The Principal Lawyer said she was aware of some advice being given about the number of Directors in the Company. The Chair said when the proposal was made by Business Panel the feedback was that it was a welcome proposal, but no changes had been made to date.
Councillor Muldoon commented that as a Councillor for Rushey Green Ward, he has been questioned about the future of the Catford Cat. He said he was aware that the current Mayor had made a commitment that the Cat would not be going anywhere whilst he was Mayor, but as his term of office nears its end Councillor Muldoon was concerned about the Cat’s future. The Capital Programme Delivery Services Manager said he was not aware of any decision being made about the location of the Cat, and thought the local community would be involved in deciding the future of the Cat.
Councillor Mallory asked whether TFL were as committed as before to the Regeneration Project. The Capital Programme Delivery Services Manager said he had been part of the project for the last 2 years and during that time TFL had demonstrated very positively their commitment to the project. They had paid for all the work that had been done to date and were very keen to work with the Council.
The Chair said he heard rumours about moving the South Circular Road, and that Developers and Partners were to be appointed to do the work. The Capital Programme Delivery Services Manager informed Panel Members that it would take over two years into the programme before the appointment of a Developer. He added that the decision for the alignment of the road, the master plan briefing and the master plan architect would have to be in place before a Partner Developer was appointed.
The Chair said it had been mentioned in the past that the Partner Developer would be in place in March 2017. He asked whether there would be public consultation before this decision. The Capital Programme Delivery Services Manager said officers had already engaged with the public via Common Place, a web platform. He said the brief would be done in conjunction with Members public interraction. The Chair said officers should ensure wider member interaction and full public consultation to engage with the public and target groups. He added that this should be done ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes 2017/18 Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Scrutiny Manager introduced the report and informed Panel Members that the Sustainable Development Select Committee would agree the topic for its in-depth review at its next meeting and an update would be brought to Business Panel on 11 July 2017.
Councillor Sorba, Chair of Children and Young People Select Committee informed the Panel that the Children and Young People Select Committee would be doing an annual report on pupils attendance an exclusions. He said an urban synergy would take place on 20 June and they would be looking at improving the community. Councillor Sorba also told members that there would be an external speaker at the joint school funding meeting, and the Chair said he would encourage Select Committees Chairs to attend this meeting. The Chair added that it would be useful if more external speakers were invited to Select Committee meetings whenever possible as this would bring in ideas from outside the Council.
Councillor Hilton, Chair of the Public Accounts Select Committee informed Members the Committee would be doing an in-depth review of household budgets and residents input would be sought. She said they also intend to visit ward assembly meetings with questionnaires about the effect of austerity on household budgets and how residents were coping with its challenges. It was noted that the Scrutiny Manager would attend these meetings once the scope had been agreed.
Councillor Sorba stated that information from the Lewisham Poverty Commission and other organisations like the Roundtree Agency would be valuable to the review. The Interim Scrutiny Manager stated that Scrutiny Manger for PAC had contacted the Lewisham Poverty Commission to ensure there would be no duplication of information. The Chair said it would be brilliant to have a wider range of issues.
Councillor Muldoon, Chair of Healthier Communities Select Committee informed Panel Members that much of the Select Committees agenda would be imposed upon them because of their statutory duties, hence their programme had to be fluid. He thanked the Scrutiny Team for their support to him as Chair of the London Scrutiny Network. He said he would like to send a thank you letter to the Chair of St Thomas Trust for inviting him to their meeting, and he would report back to the Panel.
Action >>>>>> Interim Head of Scrutiny
Councillor Morrison, Chair of Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee said the Select Committee would meet soon to discuss their programme. She informed Panel Members that the Chief Executive gave an interesting presentation to the Select Committee in April on Demographics, and this would become a major piece of work. Councillor Sorba asked to see a summary of the presentation, and the Chair requested the presentation to be circulated to Council Members.
Action >>>>>> Interim Head of Scrutiny
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: Noted. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 10 May 2017 Minutes: None of the confidential decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 10 May 2017, was identified for further discussion. |
Decisions Made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 10 May 2017 Minutes: None of the confidential decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 10 May 2017, was identified for further discussion.
Meeting ended 7:41pm Chair ……………….