Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Olga Cole 0208 3148577
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Deptford Anchor
The Chair read out the response to Business Panel’s referral from the draft Mayor and Cabinet minutes of 19 April. He stated that Business Panel Members welcomed the Mayor’s decision, and await further updates on the progress of the scheme.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 28 March 2017 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: The Chair declared a non pecuniary interest in items 10 and 11 as a Council appointed Member on the Phoenix Board. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Notification of Late and Urgent Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Decision made by Mayor and Cabinet on 19 April 2017 Minutes: New Homes Programme Update
The Programme Manager Housing Matters introduced the report. The Chair asked if there were any plans in place to utilise Ladywell Pool site. He was told there had not been any development following the last Business Panel meeting. Councillor Handley said that the new builds in Deptford would be permanent buildings whereas those in Ladywell were temporary buildings. The Programme Manager Housing Matters said they were using technology for permanent building which was being used for temporary accommodation.
Councillor Muldoon asked why the permanent buildings only have 60 years lifespan, and was told the warranty for any permanent building was 60 years irrespective of the building methodology. The Chair thanked officers for the report.
RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted. |
Decision made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 19 April 2017 Minutes: Main Grants 2017-18 London Boxing Allocation
The Cultural Development Manager introduced the report, and highlighted that the Council was particularly interested in the development of boxing in the borough rather than funding boxing clubs. He said that the Council was working with Double Jab to help them become sustainable and ensure opportunities were available across the borough.
The Chair said he was aware that a non contact boxing sport was ongoing at Sedgehill School and asked whether officers would be able to support this. He said non contact boxing have a lot of public support and was of tangible benefit to the community. The Cultural Development Manager said that would be one of the groups the Council would support. The Chair said Business Panel Members welcomed the report, particularly Councillor Morrison who was a boxing fan.
Councillor Johnston-Franklin said she was aware that Double Jab have had a lot of problems in the past. She asked what proportion of the money would be going to that group and was told allocations have not been decided as yet, but appendix 1 of the report described how the funding would be used. The Chair said he was aware of a proposal to erect a structure of Henry Cooper in the borough, and asked that officers keep abreast of this proposal. Councillor Johnston-Franklin added that she was aware of Wearside Youth Club taking part in a Euro competition, and asked that officers link up with the various boxing activities that were currently going on. The Chair requested an update for Business Panel Members in due course.
RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted. |
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes - verbal update Minutes: The Chair welcomed Charlotte Dale, Interim Scrutiny Manager back from maternity leave. The Interim Scrutiny Manager informed Panel Members that some Select Committees had not met yet, hence the Select Committees Work Programmes for this Municipal Year would be brought to the next meeting of the Panel. She also informed Panel Members that the Children and Young People Select Committee and the Public Accounts Select Committee would be having a joint meeting to discuss schools budget on 28 June 2017.
Panel Members were also informed that options for new housing provisions might overlap with the terms of reference for the Sustainable Development Select Committee, and this could result in a joint working scope, but would be decided in due course. The Interim Scrutiny Manager informed Panel Members that Select Committees June dates have been postponed and would be rescheduled after the General Election.
Panel members endorsed the approach of the Children and Young People Select Committee and the Public Accounts Select Committee’ approach to joint working. It was also agreed that Housing Select Committee would invite Sustainable Development Select Committee Members to their meetings for discussion of options of new housing priorities. Councillor Handley said Housing Select Committee have a track record of positive partnership working.
Councillor Mallory requested that all members be notified of the joint school budget meeting of Children and Young People Select Committee and Public Accounts Select Committee, this was agreed. The Chair thanked officers for the report.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, as amended by the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to information) (Amendments) (England) Regulations 2006 and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information:
The following is a summary of the items considered in the closed part of the meeting:
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 19 April 2017 Minutes: No item was identified for further discussion. |
Decision made by an Executive Director Under Delegated Authority - Appointment of Landscape Architects for the delivery of Beckenham Place Park Regeneration Minutes:
Following a confidential discussion and consideration of the comments from the Sustainable Development Select Committee, the Business Panel requested that the Head of Law and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration;
i. review the process for letting the park buildings. ii. ensure that in future the community is engaged in decisions for a public amenity. iii. ensure the public is made aware of the facilities that will be available to them following the redevelopment of Beckenham Place Park.
i. the decision of the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be noted. ii. that the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration and the Head of Law review the process for letting the park buildings. iii. the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration, and the Head of Law ensure that in future the community is engaged in decisions for a public amenity. iv. The Director for Resources and Regeneration, and the Head of Law ensure the public is made aware of the facilities that will be available to them following the redevelopment of Beckenham Place Park.
Decision made by an Executive Director Under Delegated Authority - Beckenham Place Park - Appointment for Heritage Architects Minutes: Following a confidential discussion and consideration of the comments from the Sustainable Development Select Committee the Business Panel requested that the Head of Law and the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration;
i. review the process for letting the park buildings. ii. ensure that in future the community is engaged in decisions for a public amenity. iii. ensure the public is made aware of the facilities that will be available to them following the redevelopment of Beckenham Place Park.
i. the decision of the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be noted. ii. that the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration and the Head of Law review the process for letting the park buildings. iii. the Executive Director of Resources and Regeneration, and the Head of Law ensure that in future the community is engaged in decisions for a public amenity. iv. The Director for Resources and Regeneration, and the Head of Law ensure the public is made aware of the facilities that will be available to them following the redevelopment of Beckenham Place Park.
Decision made by an Executive Director Under Delegated Authority - Single Tender Action for Sydenham Park Footbridge Minutes: Following a confidential discussion, Business Panel Members welcomed the report and requested an update on progress to be circulated to them in due course.
RESOLVED that the decision of the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration be noted.
Meeting ended 7:55pm Chair……………..