Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Olga Cole
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 9 March 2017 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Notification of Late and Urgent Items Minutes: Report noted. |
Minutes: The Chair said he was concerned that Panel Members only received the notification of decision on Monday for their Tuesday meeting, he asked that the process be improved going forward. The Head of Business and Committee informed Panel Members that this had occurred because the meeting date of the Business Panel had been brought forward from its original 4 April date.
The Strategic Partnership Manager introduced the report.
The Chair asked whether the Council has now readjusted their aspiration following the realisation that the European Social Fund (ESF) was unlikely to materialise. The Strategic Partnership Manager said that although this was an opportunity for officers to improve the programme, they were now back to what was agreed at the start. It was noted that the programme would now be extended for a year.
Councillor Sorba asked why the bids were delayed and not successful, and was told that the delay stemmed from the GLA and other Councils who submitted bids were in the same position. It was noted that the Joint Councillors had agreed to write to the GLA complaining about the effect of the delay on their residents.
The Strategic Partnership Manager said that this had been a positive programme for Lewisham residents. She said at the start of the programme, they had 1,200 residents, and currently there were 180 residents supported to work, 90 being Lewisham residents. 20 of the 90 residents were now in sustained employment.
The Chair thanked officers for the report.
RESOLVED that the decision of the Better Placed Joint Committee (Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark) be noted. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 22 March 2017 Minutes: New Homes Programme Update
The Programme Manager Housing Matters introduced the report. The Chair asked when the rest of the homes would be built, and was told the total was still 500 as there was capacity for this amount and pending planning permission it could take up to 9 months. The Chair asked what Lewisham Homes view was, and if there was any factor that would delay the plan.
The Lewisham Homes representative said that although there was quite a bit of work to be done they were trying to keep within the timeframe. The Chair asked why the plan was being delayed, he said members were told that building a tower block in Eliot Bank would not be problematic, but Panel Members have since discovered this was not true.
The Programme Manager Housing Matters said that officers had discovered that the loss of green space and infill site proved to be problematic. Councillor Handley asked whether there were alternative sites being considered, and was told that officers were looking at alternatives and would welcome any recommended sites. Councillor Johnston-Franklin said it was important to involve the community earlier in the process so that things are made very clear to avoid problems at a later stage.
The Chair asked if the Ladywell Pool site could be utilised, and was told there were currently pop up homes on this site with 3 years still to go, and these homes were housing homeless people. Councillor Morrison said there was a large fenced off site next to St Stephens Church that had been vacant for a long time, and the Programme Manager Housing Matters said officers would investigate this site.
The Chair said proposals for the Ladywell Pool site started 10 years ago and although the pop up homes were now on site plans should be put in place to develop this land as soon as the pop up homes come down in 3 years. The Programme Manager Housing Matters response was that lot of work had been done on how much development could be put on the site, and there had been some consultation to work out the scope of development.
The Chair said because of the urgency and volume of need things had to move quickly. The Chair added that the Housing Select Committee would be looking at the pathway for the next administration to look at future development of this site. Councillor Handley said it was important to have alternatives as backup. The Chair responded saying that the Council needed a broader strategy to look at this, and thanked officers for the presentation.
Deptford Anchor
The Capital Programme Delivery Services Manager introduced the report.
The Chair invited representatives from the Deptford Society to make a presentation to the Panel. They highlighted the following points for consideration by the Business Panel:
· the position of the Anchor need to be central not marginalised as it is a symbol and landmark and that should be at the Heart of Deptford. · residents would like ... view the full minutes text for item 90. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 22 March 2017 Minutes: Libraries Savings Programme – Approval of Preferred Provider for Manor House
The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood Development introduced the report.
Councillor Mallory informed Panel Members that the meeting of the Stakeholders Panel went well. He said there were concerns raised about the financial arrangements of the Provider V22. The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood Development said that V22 was a not for profit arts organisation that would be responsible for running the community library. Councillor Mallory said the holding company was based in the Isle of Man which is worrying and members needed assurance that the library funds would be used for its intended purpose by the V22 Foundation.
The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood Development summarised the set-up of V22 and its various strands as set out in appendix 1 of the report. She highlighted that V22 PLC was registered in the stock exchange and this was set up to ensure that the people involved own a share of the organisation. She said those who could not afford to pay cash for their share could donate their artwork. The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood Development informed Panel Members that valuing artwork in the UK was very costly, hence their decision to be located in the Isle of Man were they had a simpler way of valuing artwork.
Panel Members asked what would happen if V22’s application for charitable status got turned down and they were told that V22 would still retain their not for profit status but the art studio would not get automatic rate relief. The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood added that V22 would have to meet their rates responsibilities. Councillor Sorba asked why it was cheaper to value artwork in the Isle of Man, and was told that Isle of Man value artwork collectively, whilst the UK value artwork individually which is time consuming and more costly.
Councillor Hilton asked whether the Council had its note of value, and what was the income streams for the library. The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood Development said the income streams would be mainly through letting out art studios. Councillor Hilton asked whether the rent could be affordable rent. She was told that the Artists would share the profit. Councillor Hilton asked how they could share the profit if they were not making any profit. She asked if Members could be assured that all the library money was at arms length. The Interim Head of Community and Neighbourhood Development said V22 Foundation was separate and could not pass its profit on.
Councillor Curran asked how this contract differs from the rest of the community library contracts and was told that the Council would maintain liability and the external fabric of the building and V22 would maintain the inside of the building and its plant. It was noted that another SLA between the Council and Community Libraries was that no money would change hands, and if the contract was terminated, then the ... view the full minutes text for item 91. |
Overview & Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes - verbal update Minutes: The Scrutiny Manager informed Business Panel that the Select Committees would set their work programmes for the new municipal year to be considered at the next Business Panel meeting. Councillor Hilton said there was a clash on the calendar which would affect PASC and CYP Select Committees. The Chair said officers would not have been aware of any clash until the membership of Select Committees had been finalised. The Scrutiny Manager suggested that once the work programmes had been finalised officers could see if they could be managed within the current calendar, or if an amendment to the calendar should be done.
The Chair said Select Committees Chairs should be aware that this was the last year of this Administration and they would need to look at what they want to focus on during the next Administration. He said Business Panel could give guidance on the policy areas for 2017/18, and Chairs and Scrutiny Managers need to focus their minds on this. The Chair requested that the Scrutiny Manager ask Scrutiny officers to include these in their work programmes.
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: Noted. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet on 22 March 2017 Minutes: No item was identified for further discussion. |
Decisions made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 22 March 2017 Minutes: No item was identified for further discussion.
Meeting ended: 9.12pm Chair ………… |