Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Olga Cole
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: New Bermondsey CPO
The Chair brought Panel Members attention to the Head of Law’s response to Business Panel’s referral to Mayor and Cabinet. The Chair said Eversheds and Shoosmiths had disputed receipt of an adequate response to their letters. Councillor Curran said if the responses were not substantive then this should be seen as inadequate. The Head of Law’s Representative said she was advised both Solicitors were sent full responses. She said the Solicitors would take a different view whether the responses were adequate. The Head of Law’s Representative added that no one at the meeting was in a position to say whether the responses were adequate or not.
Councillor Dacres said Panel Members were not in a position to draw any conclusion as they had not seen the documents. The Chair asked if Members could see both correspondences. Councillor Michael said he concurred with Councillor Dacres comments. Councillor Michael said to be able to make an informed decision Panel Members should see the letters and responses.
Action >>>>>> Head of Law, ED Resources & Regeneration
The Chair said he understood that the Council and Renewal had made a joint bid for the Housing Action Zone, only to be told that Renewal made the bid. The Head of Law’s Representative said the GLA had required a corporate body to sponsor the bid for a developer. She said both parties were co-operating, but it was not a Partnership. Councillor Curran asked if it was an endorsement. The Chair asked the Head of Law’s Representative the meaning of a partnership. The Head of Law’s Representative said it had various meanings. It could be meant as a legal entity were the partners would have responsibilities and obligations under the partnership agreement and this would be made very clear.
The Head of Law’s Representative said for the purpose of the funding bid the Council had to have a development partner. She said the GLA required the relevant authority to make the application with a developer in place. The Head of Law’s Representative said this constituted a joint bid. The Chair said Business Panel Members had always asked whether this was a formal agreement and they have been told it was not. The Head of Law’s Representative said there was no formal agreement. She said it was a joint bid, made for the purpose of applying for a grant.
Councillor Handley asked if the £20m grant was all for affordable housing. The Head of Law’s Representative stated that most of that money would be spent on transport infrastructure and the rail station. This would enable the developer to focus on the housing aspect. The Head of Law’s Representative said the GLA would be looking for the maximum amount of affordable housing, as this would have determined the level of funding allocated.
The Chair said Business Panel only saw the document for the GLA funding last week. The Head of Law’s Representative said the application for the housing bid had been on the Council website, although she could ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |
Declarations of Interests PDF 207 KB Minutes: None submitted. |
Outstanding Scrutiny Matters PDF 17 KB Minutes: Report noted. |
Notification of Late and Urgent Items PDF 13 KB Minutes: Report noted. |
Decisions Made by Mayor and Cabinet on 8 February 2017 PDF 143 KB Minutes: Animal Welfare Charter
The Animal Welfare Officer introduced the report.
Councillor Muldoon asked whether flea circuses were also exempt from Council premises, and was told that was the case. Councillor Muldoon received confirmation that the Council proposed policy on deceased animals also applied to horses.
Councillor Curran said he had requested that this report is taken to Sustainable Development Select Committee as it was an important policy which had not been updated for a long time. The Chair asked how many officers would be trained as Animal Welfare officers and was told two. The Chair asked whether the Animal Welfare officers would receive training for handling dangerous dogs and was told that officers have excellent links with the Police and the Dog Unit. The Council also have a local Vet.
Councillor Michael said fortunately incidents were rare but when they do happen it was high profiled as it was usually infants and children who are mauled by dogs. The Animal Welfare Officer said educating the community was very important. She said a series of events were held to advise dog owners and teach children how to behave around dogs. Councillor Moore asked whether there was any mechanism to alert officers of review dates, and was told the Charter would be reviewed every two years.
The Chair said although this was a Council Charter the Council has a lot of Partners, he asked whether there was an opportunity for the Partners to sign up to this Charter. The Animal Welfare Officer said schools have been approached, and the Council’s major partners had been consulted. She said the aim was to redistribute the Charter to all organisations that have an interest or participate in animal welfare activities.
Business Panel Members were told schools have been made a priority and would receive a copy each plus support. The Executive Director for Customer Services said officers were working very closely with the Council’s Housing and Health Partners. Councillor Handley asked whether the Charter included support for reporting ownership of exotic and protected animals.
The Welfare Officer said there was nothing in particular in the Charter about exotic or protected animals because exotic animals were covered by specific Legislation and a whistle blowing policy would be very difficult to enforce. She said officers work with pet shops to ensure they were aware of their responsibilities, and they could lose their licence if they do anything illegal. The Chair said Business Panel welcomed the report.
i. the decision of the Mayor be noted. ii. Panel Members believed that as this Policy was not reviewed for many years the Council should have a tracking system in place to ensure timely and regular review of all Council Policies. iii. Panel Members welcomed the New Animal Charter and would like officers to explore signing up Council Partners particularly Lewisham Homes and RSLs. |
Overview & Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes 2016-2017 PDF 127 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair said the Council was approaching the end of this municipal year, and he would like to thank Scrutiny Officers for all their hard work over the year.
The Head of Scrutiny introduced the report. The Chair suggested Chairs of Select Committees discuss what was to be included in their work programmes. He requested Safer Stronger Select Committee consider whether they want further scrutiny of LGBT services, this would be decided at a Business Panel meeting.
The Chair thanked the Head of Law’s Representative for attending the meeting, and asked her to thank the Head of Law for providing the tabled response.
On behalf of Business Panel the Chair congratulated the Vice Chair on the birth of their baby Girl.
Exclusion of the Press and Public PDF 26 KB Minutes: Noted. |
Decision Made by Mayor and Cabinet on 8 February 2017 Minutes: This item was not required for further discussion. |
Decisions Made by Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts) on 8 February 207 Minutes: These items were not required for further discussion.
Meeting ended 8:25pm Chair………………… |