Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Jasmine Kassim
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting held on 29 September 2020 be confirmed and agreed as an accurate record. |
Declarations of Interests PDF 226 KB Minutes: The meeting noted personal interests in relation to Item 3 “Scrutiny of the Council’s Covid-19 Response – Update Report” as follows: · Cllr Joan Millbank – declared that she is a member of the Lewisham Local Collaborative. |
Scrutiny of the Council's Covid-19 Response - Update Report PDF 900 KB Minutes: The Director Public Services (Director of PS) introduced the report, highlighting progress in regard to the Council’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Panel noted progress, and expressed an appreciation that key metrics used by officers to monitor and manage the ongoing response to COVID-19 were included in the report. It was recognised that the strategy and objectives to be employed by Lewisham had also been revised to reflect developments since the last report on the subject was considered. As part of the discussion, the Panel asked questions on aspects of the report, and received responses as follows:
1. Enforcement
In response to questions raised, the Panel received clarification from the Director of PS that although there was police presence at Lewisham Shopping centre, confrontations would likely occur if enforcement was carried out inside of business premises. Furthermore, the Council do not have sufficient resources to carry out enforcement in queues outside of shops, and across public areas in Lewisham. Thus, enforcement would be a last resort. Notwithstanding that, the police and the Council’s stance remained that residents should be informed and encouraged to comply with restrictions and hygiene guidelines to help minimise the spread of COVID-19.
The Director of PS continued with his response with an assurance to the Panel that the Council was applying lessons learnt from the first lockdown in regard to its work in local parks and open spaces, and had recruited 58 community champions to work jointly with the police to communicate the public health message to residents. It stated that the recruitment exercise for community champions by the Council was ongoing, and that those presently employed were kept up-to-date via webinars and emails to ensure the delivery of timely and consistent information about COVID-19 to residents in Lewisham.
2. Deaths Data
In response to an enquiry about an increase of 29 in the number of deaths figures reported up to 25 September 2020, the Director of PS advised the Panel that the two primary sources of data on COVID-19 mortality in Lewisham came from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and the local Registry Office. It was clarified that the data from the ONS was published fortnightly, and included all deaths that had occurred nationally as a result of COVID-19, irrespective of location at the time of the incident, whereas, the local Registry Office collate similar data immediately after the incidents occur. Thus, the time gap between receiving the ONS data and reporting it locally was the reason for the difference in the figures.
3. Test & Trace Activities
Continuing with his response to questions raised, the Director of PS clarified to the Panel that although Lewisham’s testing rates increased over the last week, positive tests were lower when compared with other London boroughs. The Panel received confirmation that the Council was deploying and training its COVID-19 Action Teams to test and trace in order to supplement the work of the national team at a local level.
4. Safety in Care Homes
Following on ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Update on temporary measures to support safer walking and cycling in response to the COVID 19 pandemic Minutes: RESOLVED the update report on temporary measures to support safer walking and cycling in response to the COVID-19 pandemic be considered at the next meeting of the Panel. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The report was received as per the agenda, and noted by the Panel.
In response to a question, the Head of Business and Committees stated that he was aware that the ‘Adoption of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy’ reports would be combined as one overarching report. It was stated that the reason for the combination was to ensure continuous housing provision service to homeless people while the Strategy was being developed.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Decisions Made by Mayor on 7 October 2020 - open session PDF 133 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that decisions made at the meeting of the Mayor and Cabinet on 7 October 2020, be noted. |
Scrutiny Update Report PDF 211 KB Minutes: The report was introduced by the Assistant Chief Executive. Members of Select Committees were invited to raise issues they considered necessary for information and/or comment.
Councillor Muldoon, Chair of Healthier Communities Scrutiny Committee stated that the Committee had not met since the last meeting of the Panel. However, it should be noted that it made a referral to Mayor and Cabinet on 7 October 2020 to express views that test and trace activities would be effective if conducted locally, rather than by central government.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |