Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Approval to procure for the supply, installation and maintenance of cycle parking; and to procure for the provision of electric vehicle charging points service

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Approval to procure cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points service pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:

1.    Approve the use of the NHS Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure Framework Agreement Lot 2 Cycle Parking & Infrastructure;

2.    Approve the procurement route of a cycle storage solution via minicompetition between the four suppliers on Lot 2 of the NHS Framework (APCOA Parking UK Ltd, Bailey Street Furniture Group Ltd, Cyclehoop Ltd and Falco UK Ltd);

3.    Approve the award of contract to the preferred service provider to deliver cycle parking and infrastructure for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to 1 year, provided the contract value is within authorised limits of a maximum of £2.2m and dependent on the total funding available;

4.    Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Transport Planner) to select the preferred service provider for cycle parking infrastructure in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract;

5.    Approve a joint application to LEVI with Royal Borough of Greenwich for up to an estimated £2.8m funding, to be matched funded by external providers;

6.    Approve the procurement route of an open tender with the Royal Borough of Greenwich to form a contract(s) for a period of 15 years at an estimated value of £8.5m at no cost to the Council;

7.    Authorise the Executive Director of Place or Director of Public Realm to enter into agreement with the Department for Transport related to the receipt of the LEVI funding.


It was MOVED by Cllr Krupski, SECONDED by Cllr De Ryk and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:

1.    Approve the use of the NHS Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure Framework Agreement Lot 2 Cycle Parking & Infrastructure;

2.    Approve the procurement route of a cycle storage solution via minicompetition between the four suppliers on Lot 2 of the NHS Framework (APCOA Parking UK Ltd, Bailey Street Furniture Group Ltd, Cyclehoop Ltd and Falco UK Ltd);

3.    Approve the award of contract to the preferred service provider to deliver cycle parking and infrastructure for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to 1 year, provided the contract value is within authorised limits of a maximum of £2.2m and dependent on the total funding available;

4.    Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance and the Transport Planner) to select the preferred service provider for cycle parking infrastructure in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract;

5.    Approve a joint application to LEVI with Royal Borough of Greenwich for up to an estimated £2.8m funding, to be matched funded by external providers;

6.    Approve the procurement route of an open tender with the Royal Borough of Greenwich to form a contract(s) for a period of 15 years at an estimated value of £8.5m at no cost to the Council;

7.    Authorise the Executive Director of Place or Director of Public Realm to enter into agreement with the Department for Transport related to the receipt of the LEVI funding.