Council meetings

Issue - meetings

BfL - Capital Budget Approval and Procurement Strategy

Meeting: 24/01/2024 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Building for Lewisham: Approval of Capital Budgets and Procurement Strategy - PART 1 pdf icon PDF 240 KB

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Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Walsh SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:


·               Approve the updated forecast Contract Sums as detailed in Part 2 of this report;

·               Approve the forecast total scheme On-Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the updated forecast Total Scheme Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the allocation of Right to Buy receipts to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the receipt and use of GLA grant to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve such additional GLA or other grant funding that facilitates successful delivery and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing Regeneration and Public Realm in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance to approve and enter into such agreements and ancillary documentation as may be required to utilise such grant funding;

·               Approve the procurement strategies for demolition, enabling and main works construction contracts for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as further detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the procurement strategies and the progress to tender of the sites at Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, and delegates authority to ED Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Governance) to enter into contract with the most economically advantageous tenderer as determined by the evaluation criteria set out in the tender documentation provided the relevant contract sum is within the financial limits set out in the Part 2 report.

·               Approve the procurement of a Principal Contractor for Valentine Court, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to award a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) to the most economically advantageous tenderer (to be determined in accordance with the published evaluation criteria) and, subject to both satisfactory performance of the PCSA and provided the contract sum is within the limits set out in the Part 2 report, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to enter into the main works contract with the PCSA contractor.

·               Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place (in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm and with the Director of Law, and Corporate Governance), to agree the final contract sum for demolition and enabling works for Mayfield and Fairlawn, up to delegated authority approval levels;

·               Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place to approve the estimated costs detailed in part 2 of this paper for remedial works to Longfield Crescent to continue on the first two houses while further surveys on the other houses and flats are undertaken.




The meeting received a report introduced by Councillor Dacres requesting approval of Capital Budget and Procurement Strategy relating to the Building for Lewisham, programme. 


The Mayor (Acting) and Cabinet, having considered the officer open report, proposed that the recommendations in Part 2 of the report be agreed in the Part 1 session of the meeting, and thereafter, Councillor Dacres MOVED, Councillor Walsh SECONDED, and it was RESOLVED to:


·               Approve the updated forecast Contract Sums as detailed in Part 2 of this report;

·               Approve the forecast total scheme On-Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the updated forecast Total Scheme Costs as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the allocation of Right to Buy receipts to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the receipt and use of GLA grant to contribute to the funding for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve such additional GLA or other grant funding that facilitates successful delivery and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing Regeneration and Public Realm in consultation with the Director of Law and Corporate Governance to approve and enter into such agreements and ancillary documentation as may be required to utilise such grant funding;

·               Approve the procurement strategies for demolition, enabling and main works construction contracts for Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, as further detailed in Part 2 of the report;

·               Approve the procurement strategies and the progress to tender of the sites at Valentine Court, Mayfield, Fairlawn, and Ladywell Park Gardens, and delegates authority to ED Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Governance) to enter into contract with the most economically advantageous tenderer as determined by the evaluation criteria set out in the tender documentation provided the relevant contract sum is within the financial limits set out in the Part 2 report.

·               Approve the procurement of a Principal Contractor for Valentine Court, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to award a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) to the most economically advantageous tenderer (to be determined in accordance with the published evaluation criteria) and, subject to both satisfactory performance of the PCSA and provided the contract sum is within the limits set out in the Part 2 report, delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place to enter into the main works contract with the PCSA contractor.

·               Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place (in consultation with the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm and with the Director of Law, and Corporate Governance), to agree the final contract sum for demolition and enabling works for Mayfield and Fairlawn, up to delegated authority approval levels;

·               Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place to approve the estimated costs detailed in part 2 of this paper for remedial works to Longfield Crescent to continue on the first two houses while further surveys  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13