Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Council Tax Base Report 2024/5

Meeting: 06/12/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Council Tax Base Report 2024/5 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

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Having considered an open officer report, the Mayor MOVED, Cllr Krupski SECONDED and it was RESOLVED:


1.    note the Council Tax Base calculation for 2024/25, as set out in the annual Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A;

2.    recommend Council agree a Council Tax Base of 90,414.0 Band D equivalent properties for 2024/25;

3.    recommend Council agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate of 95.0%;

4.    recommend Council agree no changes be made to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2024/25, that eligible claimants make a minimum contribution of 25% towards their council tax;

5.    recommend Council approve the continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25, as set out in section five of this report;

6.    recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for second homes for 2020/21 be continued for 2024/25, as set out in section five of this report;

7.    recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;

8.    recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount applied immediately for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished property) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;

9.    recommend Council agree that the existing Long Term Empty Property homes premium of: 100% for properties empty between 2 and 5 years, 200% for those empty for over five years, and 300% for properties that remain empty for 10 years or more continues, as set out in section five of this report;

10.recommend Council agree the continuation of the existing policy of a 25% ‘sanctuary’ discount to ensure residents eligible for a single person discount are not financially worse off as a result of housing a refugee, as set out in section five of this report;

11.recommend Council agree the continuation of the discretionary War Disablement Pensions and War Widow Pensions scheme discount as set out in section five of this report;

12.note the proposed 2024/25 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net yield of £58m, based on current information available.

13.recommend Council agree to delegate the approval of the final 2024/25 NNDR1 form to the Acting Executive Director for Corporate Resources for submission by the deadline of 31 January 2024.


Having considered an open officer report, the Mayor MOVED, Cllr Krupski SECONDED and it was RESOLVED:


1.    note the Council Tax Base calculation for 2024/25, as set out in the annual Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A;

2.    recommend Council agree a Council Tax Base of 90,414.0 Band D equivalent properties for 2024/25;

3.    recommend Council agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate of 95.0%;

4.    recommend Council agree no changes be made to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2024/25, that eligible claimants make a minimum contribution of 25% towards their council tax;

5.    recommend Council approve the continuation of the discretionary Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25, as set out in section five of this report;

6.    recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for second homes for 2020/21 be continued for 2024/25, as set out in section five of this report;

7.    recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;

8.    recommend Council agree that the existing policy of a 0% discount applied immediately for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished property) be continued, as set out in section five of this report;

9.    recommend Council agree that the existing Long Term Empty Property homes premium of: 100% for properties empty between 2 and 5 years, 200% for those empty for over five years, and 300% for properties that remain empty for 10 years or more continues, as set out in section five of this report;

10.recommend Council agree the continuation of the existing policy of a 25% ‘sanctuary’ discount to ensure residents eligible for a single person discount are not financially worse off as a result of housing a refugee, as set out in section five of this report;

11.recommend Council agree the continuation of the discretionary War Disablement Pensions and War Widow Pensions scheme discount as set out in section five of this report;

12.note the proposed 2024/25 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net yield of £58m, based on current information available.

13.recommend Council agree to delegate the approval of the final 2024/25 NNDR1 form to the Acting Executive Director for Corporate Resources for submission by the deadline of 31 January 2024.