Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Learning Disability Implementation Plan

Meeting: 06/12/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Learning Disability Implementation Plan pdf icon PDF 68 KB

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Cllr Bell MOVED, Cllr Dacres SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to:

1.    Note the outcome of the consultation regarding the Learning Disability Implementation Plan

2.    Agree the seven priority areas set out in the plan and their associated actions. Agree the establishment of the Learning Disability Partnership Board and the five delivery subgroups.

3.    Agree that the delivery of the Plan and its associated actions is reported annually by the Learning Disability Partnership Board to the Lewisham Care Partnership

4.    Agree the request of the Healthier Communities Select Committee that the delivery of the Plan is also reported annually to that Committee.

5.    Note that Adult Social Care will be responsible for identifying a budget to support the costs of the coproduction and codelivery.


Cllr Bell MOVED, Cllr Dacres SECONDED and it was RESOLVED to:

1.    Note the outcome of the consultation regarding the Learning Disability Implementation Plan

2.    Agree the seven priority areas set out in the plan and their associated actions. Agree the establishment of the Learning Disability Partnership Board and the five delivery subgroups.

3.    Agree that the delivery of the Plan and its associated actions is reported annually by the Learning Disability Partnership Board to the Lewisham Care Partnership

4.    Agree the request of the Healthier Communities Select Committee that the delivery of the Plan is also reported annually to that Committee.

5.    Note that Adult Social Care will be responsible for identifying a budget to support the costs of the coproduction and codelivery.