9 Excalibur Phase 4 and 5 updates - Part 1 PDF 74 KB
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It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Noted the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme as set out in this report;
2. Approved the increase in the land assembly budget as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;
3. Agreed to the Council pursuing the purchase of 18 units from L&Q under the ‘Housing Acquisition Programme for Homeless Households’ programme within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;
4. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Executive Director for Place and Director of Law, Governance and Elections, to negotiate the terms of, and complete the purchase of the 18 units from London and Quadrant Housing Association within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report; and
5. Approved the lease of properties purchased through the Housing Acquisitions Programme to a housing management agent or council subsidiary, to provide housing management services for the 300 units. Delegate to the Executive Director for Place the authority to approve the issue of such lease.
Having considered open and closed officer reports, Cllr Dacres MOVED, Cllr Davis SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Noted the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme as set out in this report;
2. Approved the increase in the land assembly budget as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;
3. Agreed to the Council pursuing the purchase of 18 units from L&Q under the ‘Housing Acquisition Programme for Homeless Households’ programme within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report;
4. Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Executive Director for Place and Director of Law, Governance and Elections, to negotiate the terms of, and complete the purchase of the 18 units from London and Quadrant Housing Association within the parameters as set out in the accompanying Part 2 report; and
5. Approved the lease of properties purchased through the Housing Acquisitions Programme to a housing management agent or council subsidiary, to provide housing management services for the 300 units. Delegate to the Executive Director for Place the authority to approve the issue of such lease.