Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Decision on the proposal to open a new SEN provision at Launcelot Primary School

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Adding SEN provision at Launcelot Primary School pdf icon PDF 66 KB

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It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:


1,  note the results of the period of representation conducted on the proposal to add a SEN provision at Launcelot Primary School.

2. agree to the proposal of an addition of a SEN provision of up to 16 ASD places at Launcelot Primary School, with an implementation date of January 2024.

3. delegate authority to the Executive Director for Children and Young People to procure and award the necessary construction contracts 


Having considered an open officer report, it was MOVED by Councillor Barnham, SECONDED by Councillor Davis and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet: 1. Notes the results of the period of representation conducted on the proposal to add a SEN provision at Launcelot Primary School. 2. Agrees to the proposal of an addition of a SEN provision of up to 16 ASD places at Launcelot Primary School, with an implementation date of January 2024. 3. Delegates authority to the Executive Director for Children and Young People to procure and award the necessary construction contracts