Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Permission to award Maximising Wellbeing of Unpaid Carers contract

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Permission to award Maximising Wellbeing of Unpaid Carers contract Part 1 pdf icon PDF 186 KB

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It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet award the Maximising Wellbeing of Unpaid Carer Service contract to Imago Community. The contract will be for an initial period of 3 years with an option to extend for up to a further 2 years up to a total contract value of £1,602,285.


Councillor Bell introduced the report. He took the opportunity to celebrate unpaid carers and thanked them for their support. He invited Tristan Brice to address members of the Committee.


Mr Brice had put a lot of work into this service and the contract. Councillor Bell said that the work undertaken had been outstanding and he had been inspired by Mr Brice and his team. Mr Brice thanked everyone who had been involved in this work over the past 14 months. He said that, along with colleagues, he was looking forward to mobilising the new service, which would ensure that unpaid carers were visible. By the end of the contract, just under 60% of all unpaid carers would have been identified, valued and supported.


 Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Bell MOVED, Cllr De Ryk SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Mayor & Cabinet gives approval to award the Maximising Wellbeing of Unpaid Carer Service contract to Imago 2 Community. The contract would be for an initial period of 3 years with an option to extend for up to a further 2 years up to a total contract value of £1,602,285.