Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Approval of the Lewisham Local Plan - Regulation 19 Proposed Submission document for public consultation

Meeting: 07/12/2022 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Approval of the Lewisham Local Plan - Regulation 19 Proposed Submission document for public consultation pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Additional documents:




1.     Approve the following ‘proposed submission documentsfor Regulation 19 statutory public consultation and to authorise officers to proceed to Regulation 22 (i.e. submit to Secretary of State and to notify the public of the submission), subject to no major modifications arising from the Reg 19 statutory public consultation (subject to (d) below):

a.     Lewisham Local Plan: Proposed Submission document (Regulation 19 stage)

b.     Policies Map

c.     Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA), IIA Non-technical Summary and Habitats Regulations Assessment

d.     Consultation Statement (Regulation 18)

e.     Duty to Cooperate Statement

2.     Note the contents of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)

3.     Note the financial and legal implications set out in this report

4.     Recommend to Council that Council:

a.     Approve the documents specified in (a)

b.     Use its powers to resolve to publicly consult on those documents that Council so approve

c.     Authorise officers to proceed to Regulation 22 (i.e. submit to Secretary of State and to notify the public of the submission), subject to no major modifications arising from the Reg 19 statutory public consultation.

5.     Delegate authority to the Director of Planning in consultation with Councillor Dacres, for the making of any drafting amendments or corrections post Cabinet.



The Mayor and Cabinet considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing Development and Planning, Councillor Dacres. Councillor Dacres proposed an additional recommendation to delegae authority to the Director of Planning in consultation with Councillor Dacres, for the making of any drafting amendments or corrections post Cabinet.




1.     Approve the following ‘proposed submission documentsfor Regulation 19 statutory public consultation and to authorise officers to proceed to Regulation 22 (i.e. submit to Secretary of State and to notify the public of the submission), subject to no major modifications arising from the Reg 19 statutory public consultation (subject to (d) below):

a.     Lewisham Local Plan: Proposed Submission document (Regulation 19 stage)

b.     Policies Map

c.     Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA), IIA Non-technical Summary and Habitats Regulations Assessment

d.     Consultation Statement (Regulation 18)

e.     Duty to Cooperate Statement

2.     Note the contents of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)

3.     Note the financial and legal implications set out in this report

4.     Recommend to Council that Council:

a.     Approve the documents specified in (a)

b.     Use its powers to resolve to publicly consult on those documents that Council so approve

c.     Authorise officers to proceed to Regulation 22 (i.e. submit to Secretary of State and to notify the public of the submission), subject to no major modifications arising from the Reg 19 statutory public consultation.

5.     Delegate authority to the Director of Planning in consultation with Councillor Dacres, for the making of any drafting amendments or corrections post Cabinet.