Additional documents:
It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet support the recommendation to proceed with an application to introduce the proposed selective licensing scheme designations to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).
1.1. Mayor and Cabinet Committee are asked to review and approve the report of the selective licensing consultation, and the council response to the consultation, as outlined in Appendix 1 – Consultation report and – Response to consultation representations.
1.2. Approve three proposed selective licensing designations to apply to all privately rented single occupancy dwellings in the three designated areas as set out in Appendix 5 in line with sections 80 and 81 of the Housing Act 2004.
1.3. Approve the proposed post-consultation changes to the scheme. (see section 10)
1.4. Note the proposed selective licensing scheme fee, as outlined in section 11 and Appendix 7 on licensing fees;
1.5. Approve the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental Sector in the affected wards, as outlined in Appendix 6 – Amended selective licence conditions;
1.6. Approve the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to confirm the council’s designation for a Selective Licensing Scheme as set out in Section 82 of the Housing Act 2004, as outlined in Section 7;
1.7. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm:-
1.7.1. to finalise the submission for approval for the council’s designation and submit to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC);
1.7.2. to implement the Selective Licensing Scheme and publish the 3-month Statutory Notice for the scheme as part of the implementation, pending confirmation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).
Having considered an open officer report, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet support the recommendation to proceed with an application to introduce the proposed selective licensing scheme designations to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).
1.1. Mayor and Cabinet Committee are asked to review and approve the report of the selective licensing consultation, and the council response to the consultation, as outlined in Appendix 1 – Consultation report and – Response to consultation representations.
1.2. Approve three proposed selective licensing designations to apply to all privately rented single occupancy dwellings in the three designated areas as set out in Appendix 5 in line with sections 80 and 81 of the Housing Act 2004.
1.3. Approve the proposed post-consultation changes to the scheme. (see section 10)
1.4. Note the proposed selective licensing scheme fee, as outlined in section 11 and Appendix 7 on licensing fees;
1.5. Approve the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental Sector in the affected wards, as outlined in Appendix 6 – Amended selective licence conditions;
1.6. Approve the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to confirm the council’s designation for a Selective Licensing Scheme as set out in Section 82 of the Housing Act 2004, as outlined in Section 7;
1.7. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm:-
1.7.1. to finalise the submission for approval for the council’s designation and submit to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC);
1.7.2. to implement the Selective Licensing Scheme and publish the 3-month Statutory Notice for the scheme as part of the implementation, pending confirmation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).