5 Treasury Management Strategy Mid-Year Review PDF 359 KB
Additional documents:
1. Note the report, in particular the macroeconomic updates, performance of investments to date, updates on capital expenditure and borrowing in line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s (CIPFA) prudential indicators, and the update of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy, and:
2. To approve, and recommend that Council approves, the following changes to our current approved borrowing counterparties
i. Individuals lending via a peer-to-peer platform where appropriate counterparty checks are conducted by the platform;
ii. Investors in capital market bonds and retail bonds issued by the council
3. To approve, and recommend that Council approves, the updated Treasury Management Strategy.
Having considered an open officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the Mayor and Cabinet:
1. Note the report, in particular the macroeconomic updates, performance of investments to date, updates on capital expenditure and borrowing in line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s (CIPFA) prudential indicators, and the update of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy, and:
2. Approve, and recommend that Council approves, the following changes to our current approved borrowing counterparties
i. Individuals lending via a peer-to-peer platform where appropriate counterparty checks are conducted by the platform;
ii. Investors in capital market bonds and retail bonds issued by the council
3. Approve, and recommend that Council approves, the updated Treasury Management Strategy.