Council meetings

Issue - meetings

1 Perry Rise, SE23 2QX (DC/21/121794)

Meeting: 12/04/2022 - Planning Committee B (Item 35)

35 1 Perry Rise, SE23 2QX (DC/21/121794) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED for the construction of a two bedroom single storey, partially subterranean dwelling house to the side of 1 Perry Rise SE23, associated landscaping work and new boundary treatment subject to conditions and informatives.


6.1      The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the Construction of a two bedroom single storey, partially subterranean dwelling house to the side of 1 Perry Rise SE23, associated landscaping work and new boundary treatment, subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.


6.2       The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


:             · Principle of Development

· Housing and Standard of Accommodation

· Urban Design and Impact on heritage assets

· Impact on Adjoining Properties

· Highway and Transportation

· Sustainable Development

· Natural Environment



6.3       Officers were satisfied that the application did not cause harm to any of these issues and therefore recommended Members to grant the application.


6.4       The architect and agent then gave his presentation. The main points of discussion were that it was their goal to be as sustainable as possible and increase biodiversity which was why the green wall and green roof were introduced to the proposal. The trees that would be lost were category C and tall trees would be planted. The agent also stated that the building was sustainable and low-carbon.


6.5       Members had no questions for the agent. There was no objectors for the application.


The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED for the construction of a two bedroom single storey, partially subterranean dwelling house to the side of 1 Perry Rise SE23, associated landscaping work and new boundary treatment be GRANTED subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.