2. Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
2. Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
2. Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
There were no interests declared at the meeting.
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 209 KB
There were no interests declared at the meeting.
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 209 KB
There were no interests declared at the meeting.
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 209 KB
There were no interests declared at the meeting.
1. Declarations of Interest PDF 209 KB
1 Declarations of Interest PDF 209 KB
No interest was declared at the meeting.
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
Councillor Maslin declared an interest in respect of item 4. He said that the report details a scheme for the delivery of new and affordable homes at the Shaftesbury Christian Centre. The site is in his ward and he was a strong supporter of the scheme. He intended to leave the meeting physically for the duration of the consideration of this item.
2. Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
Councillor Luke Sorba declared an interest in respect of item 4, as the Council’s appointee to the South London and Maudsley National Health Service Trust, an organisation that is involved in the drug and alcohol contract decision, which he had requested should be submitted for further consideration by the Panel.
2. Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
19 Declarations of Interest PDF 209 KB
Councillor Maslin declared an interest in respect of item 4. He said that the report details a scheme for the delivery of new and affordable homes at the Shaftesbury Christian Centre. The site is in his ward and he was a strong supporter of the scheme. He intended to leave the meeting physically for the duration of the consideration of this item.
2. Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
Councillor Sorba declared an interest as Lewisham Council’s governor representative on the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
Councillor Millbank declared an interest in item 3 as a Member of Lewisham Local Collaborative.
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
None was declared.
2 Declarations of Interest PDF 208 KB
Councillor Sorba declared an interest as Lewisham Council’s governor
representative on the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation trust.
Councillor Millbank declared an interest in item 3 as a Member of Lewisham
Local Collaborative.