Building for Lewisham part 2
Additional documents:
Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the
Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet
agreed that:
(1) the content and recommendations within Part 1 of this item be noted;
(2) the overall viability of the remainder of the Council’s initial housebuilding
programme under the 2014-2018 administration as listed be noted;
(3) the impact on the Council’s Housing Revenue and General Fund
prudential borrowing required to deliver the Building for Lewisham Programme
be noted;
(4) the inclusion of 5 sites at Mill Gardens, Elderton Road, Burnt Ash
Garages, Dacres Road and Valentine Court as part of the Building for
Lewisham programme be approved to deliver around 73 new homes;
(5) stated expenditure be approved to fund costs of directly delivering the 5
sites listed above up to tender, subject to s105 consultation and successful
grant of planning permission;
(6) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing Regeneration
and Environment and the Council’s Section 151 Officer to approve minor
scheme-level variation on the financial performance of individual schemes up
to 10% of approved budgets;
(7) additional stated expenditure be approved to fund pre-contract works for
the proposed new build development at Canonbie Road as listed in Table 5 of
this report to be delivered directly by the Council;
(8) additional feasibility work is required on 10 sites listed to establish whether
more units to be delivered within the Building for Lewisham Programme;
(9) stated expenditure be approved to fund the additional feasibility studies on
10 sites referenced above which will be used to further examine future
opportunities and add detail to schemes where more information is required;
(10) the feasibility budget for the 10 sites referenced above will be held by the
Executive Director for Housing Regeneration and Environment and be made
available to Lewisham Homes on a scheme by scheme basis, including the
transfer of budget between schemes;
(11) the results of the initial feasibility studies and acknowledges that the
results of all feasibility will be presented to Mayor and Cabinet as part of a
quarterly update on the Building for Lewisham programme;
(12) stated maximum expenditure be approved to fund feasibility and
technical studies into the use of rooftop development on as yet unidentified
sites to support additional density on existing Council-owned stock, as
(13) this budget will be held by the Executive Director for Housing
Regeneration and Environment and be made available to Lewisham Homes
on a scheme by scheme basis;
(14) stated expenditure be approved to fund the examination of future
acquisition opportunities on packages of homes or land to be delivered by
either Lewisham Homes or a third party on behalf of Lewisham Council and/or
Lewisham Homes as detailed;
(15) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing
Regeneration and Environment and the Council’s Section 151 Officer to
authorise Lewisham Homes to enter into negotiations of land or packages of
homes to be delivered by either Lewisham Homes or a third party on behalf of ... view the full decision text for item 241
Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the
Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet
for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:
(1) the content and recommendations within Part 1 of this item be noted;
(2) the overall viability of the remainder of the Council’s initial housebuilding
programme under the 2014-2018 administration as listed be noted;
(3) the impact on the Council’s Housing Revenue and General Fund
prudential borrowing required to deliver the Building for Lewisham Programme
be noted;
(4) the inclusion of 5 sites at Mill Gardens, Elderton Road, Burnt Ash
Garages, Dacres Road and Valentine Court as part of the Building for
Lewisham programme be approved to deliver around 73 new homes;
(5) stated expenditure be approved to fund costs of directly delivering the 5
sites listed above up to tender, subject to s105 consultation and successful
grant of planning permission;
(6) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing Regeneration
and Environment and the Council’s Section 151 Officer to approve minor
scheme-level variation on the financial performance of individual schemes up
to 10% of approved budgets;
(7) additional stated expenditure be approved to fund pre-contract works for
the proposed new build development at Canonbie Road as listed in Table 5 of
this report to be delivered directly by the Council;
(8) additional feasibility work is required on 10 sites listed to establish whether
more units to be delivered within the Building for Lewisham Programme;
(9) stated expenditure be approved to fund the additional feasibility studies on
10 sites referenced above which will be used to further examine future
opportunities and add detail to schemes where more information is required;
(10) the feasibility budget for the 10 sites referenced above will be held by the
Executive Director for Housing Regeneration and Environment and be made
available to Lewisham Homes on a scheme by scheme basis, including the
transfer of budget between schemes;
(11) the results of the initial feasibility studies and acknowledges that the
results of all feasibility will be presented to Mayor and Cabinet as part of a
quarterly update on the Building for Lewisham programme;
(12) stated maximum expenditure be approved to fund feasibility and
technical studies into the use of rooftop development on as yet unidentified
sites to support additional density on existing Council-owned stock, as
(13) this budget will be held by the Executive Director for Housing
Regeneration and Environment and be made available to Lewisham Homes
on a scheme by scheme basis;
(14) stated expenditure be approved to fund the examination of future
acquisition opportunities on packages of homes or land to be delivered by
either Lewisham Homes or a third party on behalf of Lewisham Council and/or
Lewisham Homes as detailed;
(15) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing
Regeneration and Environment and the Council’s Section 151 Officer to
authorise Lewisham Homes to enter into negotiations of land or packages of
homes to ... view the full minutes text for item 241