229 Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes 2019-20 Update PDF 105 KB
The Scrutiny Manager introduced the report. She informed Panel Members that the third round of Select Committee meetings started on 4 July and in-depth reviews were underway. She said a joint meeting of the Healthier Communities and Children and Young People Select Committees would be held on 17 July 2019, which would consider BAME Mental Health inequalities. This was an important strand of work for the Health and Wellbeing Board and the joint meeting would help scrutiny members understand the remit of the Board’s work; assess progress; and consider where the committees might add value through scrutiny.
The Scrutiny Manager said there would also be a Joint Health overview and Scrutiny meeting on the Our Healthier South East London Programme on 22 July 2019, which will consider:
i. NHS Long Term Plan
ii. The Commissioning of Pathology and Diagnostic Services
iii. The extension of CAMHS Services up to age 25
iv. Residential Care Beds
v. The Implementation of GP Networks
Cllr Muldoon said that the NHS long term plan was expected to be considered on 22 July, and Labour Members were invited to the Joint meetings atthe St Laurence Centre, on 16 July.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.