Council meetings

Issue - meetings

Approval for budget to start redevelopment plans at PLACE/Ladywell site

Meeting: 13/03/2019 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 412)

412 Approval for budget to start redevelopment plans at PLACE/Ladywell site pdf icon PDF 143 KB

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In presenting the report Councillor Bell highlighted that he was excited about this project as PLACE/Ladywell would put Lewisham on the map. He said he looked forward to the Council achieving high quality permanent residential homes which would set a benchmark for others.


Councillor Dromey said it was a fantastic project and asked about commercial spaces and the possible provision of decking. It was noted that it was quite early in the process but there was room for flexibility.


Councillor Dacres said she noted it was quite a lengthy consultation and she looked forward to completion. Councillor Barnham asked why resident Ballot was not done, and was told that the GLA guidance was followed but this could be looked at going forward.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report, by a vote of 9-0:




(1) the rationale and outline proposals for comprehensive redevelopment of the site in line with those set out be noted;


(2) a budget set out in the confidential report be approved to progress plans to redevelop the site to RIBA Stage 3 and submit a planning application;


(3) officers consult with local residents, ward councillors, local amenity groups and other relevant stakeholders about the Council’s intention to redevelop the Ladywell Leisure centre site;


(4) no Residents’ Ballot will be required as the Place/Ladywell homes are being relocated rather than demolished;


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Customer Services to consider the outcome of the consultation and to approve the submission of the final redevelopment proposals for planning permission, subject to not less than 50% of the homes within the development being Council Social homes;

(6) subject to planning permission for the development being approved, a report setting out the proposals for procuring the development, together with a budget for the construction of development be presented to Mayor and Cabinet for approval;


(7) Officers explore options to relocate the PLACE Ladywell Building and present recommendations back to Mayor and Cabinet in due course for approval; and


(8) submission of a planning application to temporarily extend the PLACE/Ladywell de-mountable building be approved.


(9) funds be made available to pay for the technical and professional expertise required to submit a planning application.