383 Council Budget 2019-2020 PDF 69 KB
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Having considered an officer report, and presentations by Mayor and the non-
voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor
Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the comments of the Public Accounts Select Committee of 5 February
2019 be received and Mayor and Cabinet decisions on the budget report will
be taken formally with the budget update report on 13 February;
(2) having considered the views of those consulted on the budget, and subject
to consideration of the outcome of consultation with business ratepayers and
subject to proper process, as required, the Mayor and cabinet approves as
Capital Programme
(3) the 2018/19 Quarter 3 Capital Programme monitoring position and the
Capital Programme potential future schemes and resources as set out in
section 5 of this report be noted;
(4) to recommend that Council approves the 2019/20 to 2021/22 Capital
Programme of £344.7m, as set out in section 5 and attached at Appendices
W1 and W2;
Housing Revenue Account
(5) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders in
the Brockley area, presented to area panel members on 27 November 2018,
attached at Appendix X2 be noted;
(6) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders
and the Lewisham Homes budget strategy presented to area panel members
on 13 December 2018 as attached at Appendix X3 be noted;
(7) sets a decrease in dwelling rents of 1.0% (an average of £0.96 per week)
– as per the requirements from government as presented in section 6;
(8) sets a decrease in the hostels accommodation charge by 1.0% (or £0.36
per week), in accordance with Government requirements;
(9) the following average weekly increases/decreases for dwellings be
approved for:
(10) service charges to non-Lewisham Homes managed dwellings (Brockley);
• caretaking 4.30% (£0.22)
• grounds 4.30% (£0.09)
• communal lighting 4.30% (£0.07)
• bulk waste collection 4.30% (£0.06)
• window cleaning 4.30% (£0.01)
• tenants’ levy 15.0% (£0.02)
(11) service charges to Lewisham Homes managed dwellings:
• caretaking 3.27% (£0.19)
• grounds 3.63% (£0.07)
• window cleaning 11.11% (£0.01)
• communal lighting 0.88% (£0.01)
• block pest control 1.84% (£0.03)
• waste collection 8.33% (£0.04)
• heating & hot water1.31% (£0.13)
• tenants’ levy 15.38% (£0.02)
• bulk waste disposal3.70% (£0.03)
• sheltered housing 1.00% (£0.24)
(12) approves the following average weekly percentage changes for hostels
and shared temporary units for;
• service charges (hostels) – caretaking etc.; no change
• energy cost increases for heat, light & power; no change
• water charges increase; no change
(13) approves an increase in garage rents by 25% (£2.37 per week) for
Brockley residents and 25% (£3.06 per week) for Lewisham Homes residents;
(14) notes that the budgeted expenditure for the Housing Revenue Account
(HRA) for 2019/20 is £169.6m, split £99.9m revenue and £69.7m capital,
which includes the decent homes and new build programmes;
(15) agrees the HRA budget strategy cut proposals in order to achieve a
balanced budget in 2019/20, as attached at Appendix ... view the full decision text for item 383
The Mayor reported that he and other Cabinet Members had attended the
Public Accounts Select Committee to discuss the Budget. He stated that the
Budget which was being presented was very different from the one he wished
to present. Government austerity had dictated that £30M of cuts were
required over two years and so far some £18M had been identified. In spite of
the reduction of funds the Mayor pointed out solid positive achievements had
been made in areas such as Refugees, Housing, Insourcing and the Lifelong
Learning Partnership. He promised that the innovative use of budgets would
continue and he thanked officers for their assistance in realising
achievements in the most difficult of circumstances.
Councillor Amanda De Ryk confirmed the level of cuts that would be required
in the next two years and she joined the Mayor in thanking officers for their
efforts in constructing the Budget.
Having considered an officer report, and presentations by Mayor and the non-
voting job share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor
Amanda De Ryk, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report,
by a vote of 8-0:
(1) the comments of the Public Accounts Select Committee of 5 February
2019 be received and Mayor and Cabinet decisions on the budget report will
be taken formally with the budget update report on 13 February;
(2) having considered the views of those consulted on the budget, and subject
to consideration of the outcome of consultation with business ratepayers and
subject to proper process, as required, the Mayor and cabinet approves as
Capital Programme
(3) the 2018/19 Quarter 3 Capital Programme monitoring position and the
Capital Programme potential future schemes and resources as set out in
section 5 of this report be noted;
(4) to recommend that Council approves the 2019/20 to 2021/22 Capital
Programme of £344.7m, as set out in section 5 and attached at Appendices
W1 and W2;
Housing Revenue Account
(5) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders in
the Brockley area, presented to area panel members on 27 November 2018,
attached at Appendix X2 be noted;
(6) the consultation report on service charges to tenants’ and leaseholders
and the Lewisham Homes budget strategy presented to area panel members
on 13 December 2018 as attached at Appendix X3 be noted;
(7) sets a decrease in dwelling rents of 1.0% (an average of £0.96 per week)
– as per the requirements from government as presented in section 6;
(8) sets a decrease in the hostels accommodation charge by 1.0% (or £0.36
per week), in accordance with Government requirements;
(9) the following average weekly increases/decreases for dwellings be
approved for:
(10) service charges to non-Lewisham Homes managed dwellings (Brockley);
• caretaking 4.30% (£0.22)
• grounds 4.30% (£0.09)
• communal lighting 4.30% (£0.07)
• bulk waste collection 4.30% (£0.06)
• window cleaning 4.30% (£0.01)
• tenants’ levy 15.0% (£0.02)
(11) service charges to Lewisham Homes managed dwellings:
• caretaking 3.27% (£0.19)
• grounds ... view the full minutes text for item 383