364 Council Tax Base 2019- 20 PDF 71 KB
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Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the non-voting job
share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De
Ryk, and a member of the public, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:
(1) the Council Tax Base calculation for 2019/20, as set out in the annual
Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A be noted;
(2) Council be recommended to agree a Council Tax Base of 88,405.1 Band
D equivalent properties for 2019/20;
(3) Council be recommended to agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate
of 97.0%;
(4) Council be recommended to approve the continuation of the discretionary
Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25;
(5) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%
discount for second homes for 2018/19 be continued for 2019/20;
(6) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%
discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural
alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in
section six of this report;
(7) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 100%
discount awarded for a period of four weeks and then a 0% discount
thereafter, for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished
property) be continued;
(8) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of an empty
homes premium in respect of long term empty properties is increased to
100%, as set out in section six of this report;
(9) the proposed 2019/20 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net
yield of £67.4m, based on current information available, be noted;
(10) Council be recommended to agree to delegate the approval of the final
2019/20 NNDR1 form to the Interim S151 Officer for submission by the
deadline of 31st January 2019.
The report was introduced by Councillor Amanda De Ryk. Councillor Paul Bell
thanked her for her presentation and welcomed the surcharge on empty
properties which could help promote responsible home ownership and
maximise housing available to local residents.
Councillor Brenda Dacres praised the system of automatic rebates which
would particularly help those most in need.
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the non-voting job
share Cabinet Member for Finance, Skills and Jobs, Councillor Amanda De
Ryk, and a member of the public, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set
out in the report by a vote of 7-0:
(1) the Council Tax Base calculation for 2019/20, as set out in the annual
Council Tax Base government return, attached at Appendix A be noted;
(2) Council be recommended to agree a Council Tax Base of 88,405.1 Band
D equivalent properties for 2019/20;
(3) Council be recommended to agree a budgeted Council Tax collection rate
of 97.0%;
(4) Council be recommended to approve the continuation of the discretionary
Council Tax discount of 100% for care leavers up to the age of 25;
(5) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%
discount for second homes for 2018/19 be continued for 2019/20;
(6) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 0%
discount for empty homes Class A (an empty property undergoing structural
alteration or major repair to make it habitable) be continued, as set out in
section six of this report;
(7) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of a 100%
discount awarded for a period of four weeks and then a 0% discount
thereafter, for empty homes – Class C (a substantially empty and unfurnished
property) be continued;
(8) Council be recommended to agree that the existing policy of an empty
homes premium in respect of long term empty properties is increased to
100%, as set out in section six of this report;
(9) the proposed 2019/20 National Non Domestic Rate (NNDR) estimated net
yield of £67.4m, based on current information available, be noted;
(10) Council be recommended to agree to delegate the approval of the final
2019/20 NNDR1 form to the Interim S151 Officer for submission by the
deadline of 31st January 2019.