Tipping, Transportation & Treatment of Organic Waste - Award of Contract
Additional documents:
Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that
the contract for the provision of tipping, transportation and treatment of food
and garden waste be awarded to Veolia Environmental Services, based on
their tender, for a period of 3 years with a possible extension for another 2
years upon Mayor & Cabinet agreement.
Officers confirmed discussions were underway with neighbouring boroughs to
provide possible future alternatives.
The Mayor welcomed the latest statistics on recycling rates which depicted
Lewisham as one of London’s most improved boroughs.
Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Chris Best, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0
RESOLVED that the contract for the provision of tipping, transportation and treatment of food and garden waste be awarded to Veolia Environmental Services, based on their tender, for a period of 3 years with a possible extension for another 2 years upon Mayor & Cabinet agreement.