Council meetings

Issue - meetings

School Minor Capital Works Programme 2019-20

Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Mayor and Cabinet (Item 357)

School Minor Capital Works Programme 2019-20

Additional documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the

Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) Approve the overall budget and funding for the programme set out be

approved including:


(a) Use of the anticipated School Condition Allocation for: the delivery of the

Schools Minor Capital Works Programme in 2019/20; use of the Small Works

Fund and project management fees that include commissioning work for fully

scoped designs and specifications for the proposed programme of works, and

(b) an additional sum for contingency of £250,000 over and above the agreed

budget allocation be approved;


(2) the approach to calculating a school’s contribution towards SMCWP and

Small Works Fund be approved;


(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Children & Young

People on the advice of the Executive Director for Resources and

Regeneration to finalise the procurement for the School Minor Capital Works

Programme for 2019/20 and commence the procurement; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources &

Regeneration on the advice of the Executive Director for Children & Young

People authority for the shortlisting of bidders for the second stage of the

procurement and to enter into contracts to deliver the Schools Minor Capital

Works Programme 2019/20.


Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for School Performance, Councillor Chris Barnham, the

Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out, by a vote of 7-0:




(1) Approve the overall budget and funding for the programme set out be

approved including:


(a) Use of the anticipated School Condition Allocation for: the delivery of the

Schools Minor Capital Works Programme in 2019/20; use of the Small Works

Fund and project management fees that include commissioning work for fully

scoped designs and specifications for the proposed programme of works, and


(b) an additional sum for contingency of £250,000 over and above the agreed

budget allocation be approved;


(2) the approach to calculating a school’s contribution towards SMCWP and

Small Works Fund be approved;


(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Children & Young

People on the advice of the Executive Director for Resources and

Regeneration to finalise the procurement for the School Minor Capital Works

Programme for 2019/20 and commence the procurement; and


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Resources &

Regeneration on the advice of the Executive Director for Children & Young

People authority for the shortlisting of bidders for the second stage of the

procurement and to enter into contracts to deliver the Schools Minor Capital

Works Programme 2019/20.