275 Lewisham Homes Business and Delivery Plan Plan 2018 - 2020 PDF 144 KB
Additional documents:
Having considered a confidential officer report and a presentation by the
Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet
agreed that:
(1) the performance of Lewisham Homes against its targets, as set out be
noted; and
(2) the Business and Delivery Plan for 2018-20 be approved.
Adam Barret, the representative of Lewisham Homes who was in attendance,
recognised the new social homes commitment made in the Mayor’s election
manifesto and he confirmed this Business Plan would be in line with Council
Having considered an officer report and a presentation by the Cabinet
Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for the
reasons set out in the report:
RESOLVED by six votes to nil that:
(1) the performance of Lewisham Homes against its targets, as set out be
noted; and
(2) the Business and Delivery Plan for 2018-20 be approved.