15 Proposals to consult on the provision of additional permanent primary places PDF 238 KB
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The Mayor believed the Council had coped extremely well thus far in meeting with sustained demand for extra primary places but that there was now a need to explore many options and ask challenging questions in order to find lasting solutions to provide adequate numbers of places for primary age children.
(i) the description of current and projected demand for primary mainstream places and their supply, and its strategic implications be noted;
(ii) subject to the results of any required further feasibility work which shows options to be affordable in the light of Lewisham’s recent capital settlement, and of consequent outline agreement with potential providers and other stakeholders, consultation should commence on the following options to increase permanently the supply of school places from September 2012:
Increase the number of permanent places available in the New Cross/Deptford Primary Places Planning Locality (PPPL5) by considering the financial and educational implications of a range of options, including: i. expanding Kender Primary School from 1 to 2 forms of entry, and/or ii. expanding Deptford Park Primary School from 3 to 4 forms of entry (whilst considering the option of incorporating SEN Resource base provision),and/or ii. establishing 2 forms of entry on the site of the Mornington Centre as an annexe to an existing good or outstanding school.
(iii) officers be instructed to continue to investigate the opportunities offered by Council-owned sites;
(iv) officers should bring a subsequent report with recommendations for his consideration to include: · the results of feasibility studies and any consequent consultations on the proposed projects set out · any other proposals to meet the demand for permanent primary places informed by funding allocations for 2011-14 and by the James Review of capital expenditure. |