Specialist Short Breaks Contract Award
Additional documents:
Having considered a confidential officer report, Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)
agreed that:
(1) the award of contract to Ravensbourne Project be approved to provide
overnight, holiday and weekend Short Breaks to children and young people
with complex SEND for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for up to 1
year at a stated annual cost commencing on 30th June 2017, subject to them
achieving Ofsted Registration.
(2) the award of contract to Young People Relate be approved to provide
mentoring/ outreach to children and young people with complex SEND, for a
period of 3 years with an option to extend for up to 1 year at a stated
annualcost of £45,000 per annum commencing on 1st April 2017.
(3) the extension of the contracts with Ravensbourne Project and Action for
Children be approved to continue to deliver holiday and weekend services
and residential services from the 1st April to 30th June 2017.
Having considered a confidential officer report, Mayor and Cabinet
(Contracts), for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the award of contract to Ravensbourne Project be approved to provide
overnight, holiday and weekend Short Breaks to children and young people
with complex SEND for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for up to 1
year at a stated annual cost commencing on 30th June 2017, subject to them
achieving Ofsted Registration.
(2) the award of contract to Young People Relate be approved to provide
mentoring/ outreach to children and young people with complex SEND, for a
period of 3 years with an option to extend for up to 1 year at a stated
annualcost of £45,000 per annum commencing on 1st April 2017.
(3) the extension of the contracts with Ravensbourne Project and Action for
Children be approved to continue to deliver holiday and weekend services
and residential services from the 1st April to 30th June 2017.