535 Air Quality Action Plan PDF 77 KB
Additional documents:
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet
Member for the Public Realm, Councillor Rachel Onikosi, the Mayor agreed
(1) the draft AQAP (Appendix B), be approved; and
(2) the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to prepare a
response for Mayoral consideration to the recommendations made by the
Sustainable Development Select Committee on 25 October 2016.
The report was presented by Councillor Rachel Onikosi who reported that a
referral had been received from the Sustainable Development Select
Committee and that she would ask the Executive Director for Community
Services to prepare a response for Mayoral consideration.
The Mayor said efforts should be made in the New Year in conjunction with
the Mayor of London to get messages across to residents about activities
being undertaken by the Council and the GLA to improve air quality in
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet
Member for the Public Realm, Councillor Rachel Onikosi, the Mayor, for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) the draft AQAP (Appendix B), be approved; and
(2) the Executive Director for Community Services be asked to prepare a
response for Mayoral consideration to the recommendations made by the
Sustainable Development Select Committee on 25 October 2016.