Council meetings

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Responses from Mayor and Cabinet

Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Sustainable Development Select Committee (Item 3)

3 Responses from Mayor and Cabinet pdf icon PDF 168 KB

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Resolved: to refer the Committee’s views to Mayor and Cabinet, as follows –

·         The Committee notes the Mayor of London's response to Select Committee Chairs and welcomes the stated ambition to provide 35% affordable housing in Lewisham’s housing zones. However, the Committee asks that officers are clear about the definitions they use for affordable housing in future reports.


·         The Committee notes that the bid document for the New Bermondsey housing zone only became available to Members after Mayor and Cabinet in February 2017.


·         The Committee notes that there are many issues that are being explored as part of the independent inquiry into matters relating to New Bermondsey/Surrey Canal. Pending the outcome of the inquiry, the Committee may decide to scrutinise any substantial issues that are not covered in the inquiry report.


Councillor Handley circulated copies of a response from the Mayor of London to the letter from the Chairs of the Housing and Sustainable Development Select Committees arising from the joint meeting in October 2016.


Kplom Lotsu (SGM Capital Programme Delivery) responded to questions from the Committee on the response from Mayor and Cabinet. The following key points were noted:


·         Decisions related to the renegotiation of the s106 brought about by the changes to the housing zone funding for the New Bermondsey project would be taken by the Strategic Planning Committee.

·         Housing zone agreements required schemes to provide 35% affordable housing, however they also took into account viability and the other burdens being placed on schemes.

·         In Lewisham the aspiration for the delivery of affordable housing in new developments was 50%.

·         In the Catford housing zone there were a number of burdens being placed on the scheme, including the proposed provision of a civic complex and a potential contribution to the relocation of the road.

·         There were different forms of affordable housing. The type of affordable housing chosen for a scheme would influence the amount of housing that could be provided.


Resolved: to refer the Committee’s views to Mayor and Cabinet, as follows –

·         The Committee notes the Mayor of London's response to Select Committee Chairs and welcomes the stated ambition to provide 35% affordable housing in Lewisham’s housing zones. However, the Committee asks that officers are clear about the definitions they use for affordable housing in future reports.


·         The Committee notes that the bid document for the New Bermondsey housing zone only became available to Members after Mayor and Cabinet in February 2017.


·         The Committee notes that there are many issues that are being explored as part of the independent inquiry into matters relating to New Bermondsey/Surrey Canal. Pending the outcome of the inquiry, the Committee may decide to scrutinise any substantial issues that are not covered in the inquiry report.