3 Whole System Model of Care Update PDF 528 KB
3.1 Sarah Wainer presented an update on the action being taken by Lewisham Health and Care Partners (LHCP) Executive Board to develop new partnership arrangements for the delivery of community based care. The LHCP are proposing to secure external consultancy to identify options for the governance of these proposed partnership arrangements. Once this work is concluded, partners will report back to the Health and Wellbeing Board on the options that have been considered and the preferred option for development.
3.2 LHCP is supported by a number of steering groups, including a Communications and Engagement Steering Group. The Group is currently developing and implementing a communications and engagement strategy and plan. As part of this work, a set of core messages have been produced and will be further enhanced over time. A set of pledges have also been drafted, outlining what Health and Wellbeing Board members will do to support the improvement of health and wellbeing across the borough. These will be expanded to provide concrete examples of what health and care partners are doing or will be doing to fulfil their pledges.
3.3 The Adult Integrated Care Programme continues to be one of the key delivery vehicles for integration activity and LHCP continue to oversee the activity and deliverables that have been agreed within the 2016/17 programme, including workstreams for Prevention and Early Intervention, Neighbourhood Community Teams and Enhanced Care and Support.
3.4 Members of the Board made the following comments regarding the report:
· The ‘Pledges’ should also demonstrate how residents will be supported to improve their own health and wellbeing.
· GPs could be used more effectively as a communications channel to signpost and promote healthy living programmes such as free swims for the over 60’s.
3.5 Action: The Board approved the recommendations contained within the report.