Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
1. Mayor and Cabinet are recommended to authorise officers to run a procurement for a 15 unit 24 hour supported housing service for people with mental health needs. This will be made up of 2 buildings currently used for 2 separate supported housing contracts. The contract will be for a period of 3 years, with an option to extend for 2 further years, commencing 1st of April 2024. The contract will have a capped yearly cost of £529,000 per year, a 5 year value of £2,645,000.
2. Mayor and Cabinet are also recommended to extend three supported housing contracts by one year, to give officers time to run good quality open procurements to which the market will be better able to respond. All of these contracts have their last year of permitted extension expiring on April 2024. The contract values for the year are:
• £387,902 for Lewisham Assessment and Recovery Centre.
• £543,899 for Young Persons Specialist Service.
• £854,950 for Honor Lea & Rokeby House.
Report author: Jonathan Scarth
Publication date: 09/03/2023
Date of decision: 08/03/2023
Decided at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet
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