Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to grant permission for:
· The council to join the Commissioning Alliance Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle for the provision of Fostering, Residential and Semi-Independent Living placements, from the 1st April 2023 to the 31st March 2026 at a cost of £87,000 per year, or £251,000 over the three year initial contract term. This includes an option to extend for two additional years (1+1), taking the maximum possible value of the contract, including the extension period, to £415,000.
· The award of contracts (placements) under the Commissioning Alliance Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle, provided the placements are made in accordance with the award criteria as set out under the agreement, and provided the total value of placements does not exceed £77,356,014 over the initial three-year period.
Report author: Emily Newell
Publication date: 13/01/2023
Date of decision: 11/01/2023
Decided at meeting: 11/01/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: