Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
1) Approve Officers to undertake a procurement exercise to find a suitable Main Contractor to deliver the refurbishment works to the value set out in the Part 2 report using the procurement process set out in this report;
2) Approve the award of contract to the preferred contractor to deliver the refurbishment works provided the contract value is within authorised limits set out in the Part 2 report.
3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place (in consultation with Director of Law and Corporate Governance and Senior Programme Manager) to select the preferred contractor in accordance with the selection and award criteria published in the tender documentation and agree final form of contract.
4) Note the change in scope of the project with the removal of the rooftop bar for reasons outlined in this report.
5) Declare the non-strategic asset at 315 Hither Green Lane, SE13 6TJ, the Library Resource Centre, as surplus to requirements and authorise its disposal.
6) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Executive Director for Place, to agree the terms of disposal of 315 Hither Green Lane, the Library Resource Centre.
7) Ring fence any capital receipt from the sale of 315 Hither Green, Library Resource Centre, for the LUF Programme budget, specifically Project 2 Business and Culture Hub.
Report author: Petra Marshall
Publication date: 11/07/2024
Date of decision: 10/07/2024
Decided at meeting: 10/07/2024 - Mayor and Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: