Council meetings

Decision details

Home Park and Edward Street Developments - PART 1

Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Having considered an open and closed officer report, Cllr Dacres MOVED, Cllr Barnham SECONDED and it was RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet noted:


  1. The background to this contract with a total scheme cost of £34m to invest in modular homes on the Home Park and Edward Street sites, split £13.5m and £20.5m respectively with the delivery of the development tasked to Lewisham Homes
  2. The intended outcome to bring forward 31 social homes on the Home Park site within the HRA and 34 social/temporary accommodation homes on the Edward Street site within the General Fund.
  3. That the appointed contractor, very late in the offsite construction and site preparation phases, has gone into administration leaving the commissioned units incomplete and not meeting the contracted specifications.
  4.  Following the company’s collapse into administration, the extensive work undertaken to explore options for continuing the schemes or mitigating the loss the Council from aborting them.


Report author: Patrick Dubeck

Publication date: 22/09/2023

Date of decision: 20/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: