Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor & Cabinet:
1 Noted progress made to date in establishing the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) programme and ongoing delivery.
2 Authorised that officers run a procurement of the required works and services for Project 1, Lewisham Market Revitalisation, by March 2026 totalling £3,965,000 including:
· Canopy construction
· Professional services
· Market equipment (including additional stalls)
3 Authorised that officers run a procurement of the required works and services for Project 3, Public Realm Improvements by March 2026 totalling £11,630,000, including:
· Specialist design services in respect of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation
· Street furniture
· Clock tower restoration
4 Approved the variation of the measured term contract dated 1st April 2023 between the Council and FM Conway Ltd to include public realm improvement works.
5 Approved the variation of the Private Finance Initiative contract dated August 2011 between the Council and Milestone to include the provision of lighting and power.
6 Delegated authority to the Interim Executive Director of Place to select an appropriate route for the delivery of street furniture and depending on that selection either: (i) authorise officers to run a procurement for a contract for delivery of street furniture or (ii) approve the variation of the measured term contract include the delivery of street furniture.
7 Noted that Mutual Ventures are appointed by single tender action to provide programme management consultancy support to the programme with an indicative allocation of £45,000. Mutual Ventures wrote the LUF bid and provided initial mobilisation support of the programme. It would benefit the programme by continuing their involvement to provide support and challenge in ensuring the programme is being delivered effectively. Mutual Ventures are working with a number of other councils in delivering their LUF programmes so there is benefit from sharing challenges and approaches.
8 Noted the procurement of external consultants to deliver a programme evaluation – expert support with summative evaluation up to the to be delivered by 2027 with an indicative allocation of £50,000.
9 In respect of each new procurement described above, delegated authority to the Interim Executive Director of Place to select the preferred providers in accordance with the selection criteria published in each of the tender documentations and agree and enter into the final form of contract to the preferred bidder in each case provided that the total value of the contracts to be entered into is no more than £15,690,000 in totality.
Report author: Laura Ahern
Publication date: 02/11/2023
Date of decision: 01/11/2023
Decided at meeting: 01/11/2023 - Mayor and Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: