Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet
Member for Environment & Transport, Councillor Sophie McGeevor, the
Mayor and Cabinet agreed that
(1) the results of the public consultation and recommendations from SDSC
following from the meeting on 4 December 2019, be noted;
(2) the following updates to the Council’s parking policy, included in the
updated Parking Policy document be approved:
i. The introduction of an emissions based charging scheme for parking
permits, as set out in the charging bands proposal in Appendix 4 as amended
at the meeting. A separate £50 surcharge for diesel vehicles should also be
implemented, but diesel vehicles that conform to the most recent vehicle
emissions standards (Euro VI standards or higher) should be exempted. This
exemption standard should be reviewed annually and revised per the latest
research and emissions standards. Any refunds that need to be issued will
incur a £15 administration cost;
ii. To automatically provide ten hours of visitor parking credit annually free of
charge to all households when they purchase at least one paid annual
resident parking permit as detailed in section 6.5 of this report and to increase
the cost of visitor permits as set out in that section and in Table 1;
Current cost Proposed cost
1 hour £1.40 £1.60*
Book of 10 vouchers £10.00 - £16.00
5 hours £2.80 - £3.20
Daily £5.60 £6.40
Weekly £20.00 - £25.60
*sold as part of a book of 10 permits
iii. To approve the proposal to harmonise the rate for PCNs at the Band A rate
across the borough, as detailed in section 6.6 of this report. Approval for this
will then need to be sought from London Councils;
iv. To provide only mandatory, enforceable disabled parking bays (and no
longer provide advisory disabled parking bays), as detailed in section 6.7 of
this report;
v. To amend the application criteria for disabled bays to new criteria set out in
Appendix 6;
vi. To increase the tariff for pay and display parking to £0.50 for each 15
minute period for both cash and cashless payments as shown in section 6.8;
vii. To rationalise the number of pay and display machines in the borough as
shown in section 6.8; and
viii. To make the minor amendments, as detailed in section 6.11;
ix. Remove the limit on the number of ‘floating car club permits’ issued to car
club operators, with this monitored closely by officers, as set out in section
x. Approve the updated parking policy which incorporates the above
amendments, as presented in Appendix 9.
(3) the responses in sections 6.6, 6.7 and 10 to the views expressed on
Wednesday 4 December 2019 by the Sustainable Development Select
Committee be approved
Publication date: 16/01/2020
Date of decision: 15/01/2020
Decided at meeting: 15/01/2020 - Mayor and Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: