Decision Maker: Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the
Cabinet Member for Children & Young People, Councillor Paul Maslin, Mayor
and Cabinet (Contracts), for the reasons set out in the report:
(1) providers be appointed as set out below for each lot of the Framework
Agreement for Children and Young People’s Personalised Care and Support
for an initial period of two years, with a possible extension of two years at the
Council’s discretion:
(A) Personalised Care and Support delivered by Children’s Nurses (Lot A):
1 HFH Healthcare
2 Interserve Healthcare
3 Prestige Nursing & Care
(B) Personalised Care and Support delivered by Carers (Lot B):
1 Allied Healthcare
2 Blue Ocean Healthcare Services
3 Carewatch Lewisham
4 HFH Healthcare
5 Interserve Healthcare
6 Prestige Nursing & Care
7 Reed Specialist Recruitment
8 SC Galaxy Care
9 Soma Healthcare
10 Supreme Care Services
(C) Personalised Care and Support delivered by Support Workers (Lot C):
1 Allied Healthcare
2 Blue Ocean Care Services
3 Bluefield Care
4 Carewatch Lewisham
5 Excel Care
6 Interserve Healthcare
7 Prestige Nursing & Care
8 Reed Specialist Recruitment
9 SC Galaxy Care
10 Soma Healthcare
11 Supreme Care Services
12 Wisdom Support services
(D) Mentoring, buddying and personalised care and support delivered by care
workers or support workers (Lot D)
1 Carewatch Lewisham
2 Excel Care
3 Interserve
4 MCCH / Burgess Autistic Trust
5 Reed Specialist Recruitment
6 SC Galaxy Care
7 Supreme Care Services
8 Wisdom Support Services
The meeting closed at 5.57pm.
Publication date: 08/02/2018
Date of decision: 07/02/2018
Decided at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)
Accompanying Documents: