Council meetings

Decision details

Options for integrated finance, procurement, payroll and human resources solution

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the

Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, Mayor and Cabinet

(Contracts) for the reasons set out in the report




(1) the contents of the report and the detailed options appraisal and business

case be noted;


(2) In considering the options and business case, officers work towards the

implementation of an integrated finance, procurement, payroll and human

resources solution;


(3) officers commence the procurement of a Systems Integrator (SI) for

finance and procurement to upgrade to Oracle Cloud


(4) officers commence the procurement of a new platform for payroll and

human resources and an SI for payroll and human resources


(5) the two procurement processes, as set out in recommendations 3 and 4

above, be carried out under the Crown Commercial Services (CCS)

Framework Agreement for Corporate Software Solutions;


(6) decisions on the archiving and contingency options are delegated to the

Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration.

Publication date: 09/12/2016

Date of decision: 07/12/2016

Decided at meeting: 07/12/2016 - Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)

Accompanying Documents: