My services
Mayor and Council
In my area
My services
Council tax
Rubbish and recycling
Health and social care
Children and families information service
Young people
Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships
Applying for British citizenship
Roads and transport
Council tax
Rubbish and recycling
Health and social care
Children and families information service
Young people
Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships
Applying for British citizenship
Roads and transport
Mayor and Council
Council meetings
Councillors and wards
The Mayor
Corporate strategy
About us
Voting and elections
Local assemblies
Complaints and feedback
MPs, MEPs and AMs
The young mayor
Overview and scrutiny
Brexit guidance
Influence decisions
Positive Ageing Council
Community support
Project funding
Council meetings
Councillors and wards
The Mayor
Corporate strategy
About us
Voting and elections
Local assemblies
Complaints and feedback
MPs, MEPs and AMs
The young mayor
Overview and scrutiny
Brexit guidance
Influence decisions
Positive Ageing Council
Community support
Project funding
In my area
What's on
Parks and open spaces
Sport and leisure
Arts and entertainment
Local history and heritage
Policing and public safety
Tackling poverty
Census 2011
What's on
Parks and open spaces
Sport and leisure
Arts and entertainment
Local history and heritage
Policing and public safety
Tackling poverty
Census 2011
Mayor and Council
Council meetings
Declarations of interest
Date range:
Select a committee
Adult Care and Health Select Committee
Agreed Syllabus Conference
All member briefing
An Audience with Dr Julius Garvey (ticketed)
Anti-Social Behaviour Task and Finish Group
Appointments Committee
Appointments Panel
Area Planning Committee (Deptford)
Area Planning committee (east)
Area Planning committee (west)
Audit and Risk Committee
Audit Panel
Barriers to Politics Working Group
Bellingham Assembly
Better Place Joint Committee
Blackheath assembly
Brent, Lewisham and Southwark IT Committee
Broadway Theatre Working Group
Brockley Assembly
Catford South Assembly
Chief Executive
Children and Young People Select Committee
Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership
Climate Emergency Public Forum
Community Food Growing Task and Finish Group
Community Housing Task and Finish Group
Constitution Working Party
Corporate Parenting Group
Council Meeting - cabinet hearing
Council Urgency
Council Urgency Committee
Creative Lewisham Select Committee
Crofton Park Assembly
Croydon & Lewisham Street Lighting Joint Committee
Delivering Homes in Partnership Task and Finish Gr
Deptford Local Assembly Meeting
Digital inclusion for adults with learning disabil
Digital Inclusion in Education Task and Finish Gro
Downham Assembly
Elections Committee
Electoral Registration Working Party
Environment Select Committee
Evelyn Assembly
Forest Hill Assembly
Full Council
Full Council - Council questions
Full Council Annual General Meeting
Full Council public questions
Governance Committee
Governance Select Committee
Grove Park Assembly
Health and Safety Committee
Health and Wellbeing Board
Healthcare For London
Healthier Communities Select Committee
Healthier Communities Select Committee Sub-Committ
Hither Green Local Assembly Meeting
Housing Retrofit Task and Finish Group
Housing Select Committee
Improving Scrutiny Task and Finish Group
Investment Sub-Committee
Joint Croydon and Lewisham Street Lighting Committ
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Our
Joint Healthier Communities and Children and Young
Joint Meeting of Children and Young People Select
Joint Meeting of Housing Select Committee and Sust
Joint Public Accounts and Social Care and Health S
Joint Social Care and Health and Lifelong Learning
Joint Social Care and Health, Lifelong Learning, C
Ladywell Assembly
Lee Green Assembly
Lewisham Central Assembly
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Licensing Supplementary Committee
Licensing Urgency Sub Committee
Lifelong Learning and Creative Lewisham Select Com
Lifelong Learning Select Committee
Local Democracy Working Group
Mayor - Executive Decisions
Mayor and Cabinet
Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)
Mayoral Meeting
Meeting of the Mayor
Men's Health Review
Men's Health Review (Healthier Communities Select
New Bermondsey Inquiry Committee
New Cross Assembly
New Cross Gate Local Assembly Meeting
O&S Template Testing
Officer Delegated Key Decisions
Overview & Scrutiny (Education) Business Panel
Overview and Scrutiny - Housing Sub-Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Call-In)
Overview and Scrutiny Education Business Panel
Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Pan London Joint Committee - Stroke and Major Trau
Pension Board
Pensions Investment Committee
Perry Vale Assembly
Picture of Health - Joint Scrutiny Committee
Planning Committee A
Planning Committee B
Private Rented Sector in Lewisham Task and Finish
Public Accounts & Social Care and Health Select Co
Public Accounts Select Committee
Public Health Working Group
Public Spending in Lewisham Working Group
Public Transport Liaison Forum
Quality Public Services Select Committee
Rushey Green Assembly
Safer Lewisham Partnership
Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee
School Admissions Forum
Schools Forum
Secondary School Appeals Under Fair Access Protoco
Social Care and Health
Social Inclusion and Adult Care and Health Joint S
Social Inclusion Select Committee
South East London Joint Health Overview and Scruti
Standards Committee
Standards Sub-Committee
Standards Sub-Committee A
Standards Sub-Committee B
Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education (
Strategic Planning Committee
Sustainable Development Select Committee
Sydenham Assembly
Telegraph Hill Assembly
Whitefoot Assembly
Womens Health Inequalities
Works Council
Workspaces Task and Finish Group
Youth Provision Task and Finish Group
Youth Service Working Group
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Anifowose, Councillor Yemisi Anifowose
Anwar, Councillor Tauseef Anwar
Atkinson, Councillor Dawn Atkinson
Barnham, Councillor Chris Barnham
Bell, Councillor Paul Bell
Bernards, Councillor Peter Bernards
Best, Councillor Chris Best
Bourne, Councillor Andre Bourne
Brown, Councillor Bill Brown
Burgess, Councillor Natasha Burgess
Campbell, Councillor Juliet Campbell
Clarke, Councillor Suzannah Clarke
Cooper, Councillor Will Cooper
Cunningham, Councillor Laura Cunningham
Curran, Councillor Liam Curran
Dacres, Mayor Brenda Dacres
Dall, Councillor Pauline Dall
Davis, Councillor Sophie Davis
De Ryk, Councillor Amanda De Ryk
Eiles, Councillor Sian Eiles
Erheriene, Councillor Ese Erheriene
Harding, Councillor Billy Harding
Howard, Councillor Coral Howard
Huynh, Councillor Edison Huynh
Ingleby, Councillor Mark Ingleby
Jackson, Councillor Mark Jackson
Johnston-Franklin, Councillor Liz Johnston-Frankl
Kestner, Councillor Eva Kestner
Krupski, Councillor Louise Krupski
Lahai-Taylor, Councillor Ayesha Lahai-Taylor
Lavery, Councillor Jack Lavery
Malik-Smith, Councillor Aisha Malik-Smith
Millbank, Councillor Joan Millbank
Moore, Councillor Hilary Moore
Muldoon, Councillor John Muldoon
Olaru-Holmes, Councillor Oana Olaru-Holmes
Onikosi, Councillor Rachel Onikosi
parry, Councillor Rosie Parry
Paschoud, Councillor Jacq Paschoud
Paschoud, Councillor John Paschoud
Penfold, Councillor Stephen Penfold
Powell, Councillor Kim Powell
Rathbone, Councillor James Rathbone
Royston, Councillor James Royston
Schmidt, Councillor Rudi Schmidt
Sheikh, Councillor Aliya Sheikh
Sheikh, Councillor Sakina Sheikh
Shrivastava, Councillor Liam Shrivastava
Sorba, Councillor Luke Sorba
Stamirowski, Councillor Eva Stamirowski
Tam, Councillor Hau-Yu Tam
Walker, Councillor David Walker
Walsh, Councillor James-J Walsh
Warner, Councillor Luke Warner
Webley-Brown, Councillor Carol Webley-Brown
Wise, Councillor Susan Wise
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period
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