Council meetings

Committee details

Pension Board

Purpose of committee

The constitution of the Pension Board consists of 2 employer representatives, and 2 scheme member representatives, all of them appointed in accordance with the Pension Board detailed Terms of Reference as approved and published by the Council from time to time.


The Terms of reference of the Pension Board is to fulfil the statutory functions imposed upon Pension Boards by the Public Service Pensions Act 2013, the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013 as amended, any subsequent amendment thereto and any other relevant legislation in place from time to time. In particular to assist the Council and advise it upon measures as administering authority to secure compliance with the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations and other legal requirements , and generally to ensure that there is efficient and effective governance and administration of the fund at a local level.

To report annually to the Council in relation to the above for inclusion in the Council’s annual governance statement.


  • Mark Adu-Brobbey   
  • Mark Booker   
  • Gary Cummins   
  • Stephen Warren   
  • Angela Peprah  (Secretary) 
  • Samanta Federico  (Secretary)