Grove Centre
· Carole reported that The Grove Centre is about to undergo extensive building works, as described in detail in the Community Update.
· Our Table Top Sale on the 4th November from 10.30 til 2.30. This time we have invited stallholders that make gifts for Christmas but also have our amazing homemade cake stall. We will offer lunches from 12 noon and hot drinks all day long.
Adult Learning Lewisham
· Sidra Hill-Reid, Head of Community Education and Cultural Assets at Lewisham Council,gave a presentation introduction Adult Learning Lewisham.
· This covered the reach and breadth of the service, the types of course that can be accessed, support for unemployed learners, the advice and guidance service, and partners and networks leading to referral pathways that learners can benefit from.
James Ross Hunter Youth Support
· Collet Hunter updated on JRHYS’s workshops, connected with over 2 schools and 4000 young people.
· Excursions to Kent, North London to celebrate BHM.
· Focus group. Taking young people to Lambeth police station – mock arrest.
· Training at events – platform where they can coordinate events.
· NCIL funding to help launch this programme. Award from City of Westminster Faith and Community Award.
· JRHYS are also offering a wellbeing workshop at the Fun Palace.
· Chris Best, Chair of SEE3, provided an update, including SEE3’s upcoming Halloween event. Thanks to Heather who has been working with some 30 traders to take part and Alex working on the posters. The Poodle Club are putting on their Haunted House again there will be a costume competition in the Sydenham Centre at 5pm.
· In other news regarding high street traders, Santander is under offer. A few more shops on the lower high street seem to be developing something new. Thanks to everyone for Shopping Local.
· Please visit www.see3.co.uk/copy-of-what-s-on for all the Christmas events - 2nd Dec for the Christmas Tree lighting - Our Lady & St Philip Neri School Brass Band will be joining us from 4.15pm with the lighting of the tree at 5pm.
· End of life supportCompassionate Neighbours – befriending project – matching people in the communityCaring project Bereavement Buddies – people who have been through the experience of caring for someone who is then bereaving.
· Thursday morning – peer support group
· Art group every Tuesday for anyone with a life-limiting condition or living with someone in this position
· Free courses for carers such as care planning, power of attorney, loss, etc.
· St Christopher’s will also be runningart workshop as part of the Fun Palace
Sydenham Library / Friends
of Sydenham Library
· Ilse Towler from Friends of Sydenham Library provided an update on the library.
· V22 runs the building and has just overseen a big refurbishment. With the library closed from June 28th to July 31st.Much of the main library hall was replastered and repainted, and new low energy lights were installed. The library now seems much brighter. A new issue desk and office were installed, making life much easier for volunteers and staff. A re-opening event was held on 5th August, including jewellery making and storytelling from crafts group members.
· The library is now open every day except Wednesdays and Sundays.
· Enrollment forms – there is a need for more volunteers, especially afternoons. Simple work, helping people to find books.V22 provide support and training. Just book in and do a trial shift.
· Refurbishment works meant that some regular sessions had to be put on hold. From September, these have returned, including I love to Rhyme – at least 20 children weekly, Children’s art and Adult craft sessions.
· Children’s art/crafts monthly on Saturdays 1:30-3:30, next session is 21 October. These sessions have now resumed however we are still looking for additional funding to cover the gap between Christmas, and when we could apply for 2024 NCIL funding.
· Livesey Bridge Club is hosted at the library
· Cllr Liam Curran added that there are still issues with the fabric of the building that need sorting.
· Sidra also added that an external bid has been submitted to Levelling Up and we are through the Expression of Interest stage and have submitted a bid for further improvements to the library including the rear courtyard.
· Café in the library – offered to let as a franchise rent free for the first year, but so far no one has asked to take it on.
Sydenham Community
· Alex Bourdelon updated us on the Save the Date flyer for the Grotto on Dec 10th, Christmas Market Dec 9th(tbc), and the Dec 2nd lighting of Christmas tree. Christmas lights on the high street have already gone up. Card making competition taking place at the Fun Palace
· Annabel McClaren gave an update for the Sydenham Society, whose main focusis on planning and conservation in the area.
· Old rent office in Queensthorpe Mews going well and in line with architects drawings. Another building at end of the road – plans are too high and not in line with what was accepted. Looking for enforcement action to be taken, working with councillors on this.
· A couple of telecommuncations masts have been refused. One proposed on corner of Mayow and Sydenham Road. Suggested other positions such as the Girton Road Car park.
· Redevelopment at Regents house and Cobbs corner going ahead.
· Proposal for flats above Starbucks (ex-Lloyds bank) but looks like it will be crowded and not keeping with the area, so unlikely it will be accepted.
· Sydenham Society are leading a historicwalk up Westwood hill at 4pm as part of Fun Palace.
· Jonathan Kaufmann offered his thanks to the community for their generous donations to help SP avoid insolvency.
· Programmes coming up include:
· The Owl and the Pussycat Saturday 23 September-Sunday 22 October 2023. Two performances each Sat & Sun* at 3pm and 4.30pm (*no performances Sat 7 Oct) - shows last approx 45 mins
· Postcards Part 2 on Saturday 28 October, 7.30pm. An evening of short plays on the theme of ‘holidays from hell’.Written by members of our ScriptHub scriptwriting workshop.
· Christmas Panto will be Peter Pan on Sat 2, Sun 3, Sat 9, Sun 10 December at St Barts.
· Also coming up, there will be an immersive production of 1984 and in the summer a show about Ernest Shackleton.
· Spontaneous Productions is also working on an Arts Council application with 9 events planned, including Alice in Wonderland and Little Mermaid.
· In the summer plays will be performed in Home Park.
· Finally, volunteers are needed, especially on Sundays. For for information or to book tickets go to spontaneousproductions.co.uk or email jonathan@sptheatre.co.uk
Sydenham Wells Park Improvement Group
· Monika reported that a Hydrology Survey will be taking place as a result of flooding issues with water coming from Sydenham Hill, amongst other issues. Proposal will be finalised in January. Thames Water, the Environment Agency involved and there is a hope that Section 106 funding might be available.
Sydenham Safer Neighbourhood Team
· PC Charlotte Homshawintroduced the team, which remains the same since the last assembly meeting.
· In the last few months, police have been focused on disrupting drug activity as well as dealing with vehicle crime, recovering stolen vehicles around the ward and returning them to their owners. We have attended a variety of community events at schools, care homes and local charities – carrying out local crime prevention talks –. We are happy to organise future crime prevention talks for example on concerns of vehicle crime, safety at night, or other topics. Get in touch if you want any other topics discussed.
· We continue to visit victims of beat crime such as burglary and offer crime prevention advice and reassurance.
· There has also been a rise in bike theft
· Our Sydenham Ward Panel continues to run every three months, our next one being held on 6th November 2023. The panel is a great opportunity for the SNT team to get together with residents to discuss new concerns and discuss priorities accordingly. If you are interested in coming along, please email us at Sydenham.snt@met.police.uk and we’ll be happy to get you involved. We can also be contacted on 020 8649 3598.
· A further update has been included in the Community Update document which is attached to these minutes.
Ignition Brewery
· Dave King introduced himself as the director of Brighter Horizons.
· The brewery is now under new management by Brighter Horizons, based in Downham. The organisation supports adults with learning disabilities. They offer employment to adults with learning disabilities and profits from the brewery go back into the charity.
Bell Green Neighbourhood Forum
· Public Transport and active travel survey. How you feel about walking, crossing the road, cycling. Please go to https://bellgreenneighbourhoodforum.co.uk/to find a link to the survey. Julia Webb has a stall at the assembly meeting and is happy to take sign ups for those wishing to join the neighbourhood forum.
· Barrat Homes and Gasholder site – plans have recently been withdrawn, but they will be back and so Julia is meeting them next week to discuss their plans.
· Livesey Hall – hardly any progress on conservation work on the building. Julia is meeting them in 2 weeks to see what is happening.
· Our Lady Saint Philip Neri School –height and size issues haven’t been sorted. Now planning to paint red and black and not the pale colour it was meant to so this is an ongoing issue, reported Julia.
Sydenham Arts
· Sheree Abraham introduced herself as the new Director of Sydenham Arts and mentioned that her and the new Programme Coordinator make up the whole team for the charity.
· Moving with Parkinson’s – creative movement for people living with Parkinson’s and their carers is on every Monday
· Street SmArt, the NCIL funded project around women’s safety in the borough is going well. There will be Charter created soon. Lots of businesses will be signing up as emergency contact places. Big mapping exercise, which residents can contribute to – including at the Fun Palace.
· Start Creative project – young people bidding for microgrants.
· There will be an exhibition in Off the Hoof and a screening at the Sydenham Centre.
· Winter Warm Welcome programme hoping to restart on Mondays, offering a warm space, biscuit, toast.
· Monthly Film Club continues, on the last Thursday of the month.
Venner Road Hall
· With NCIL funding, the roof has now been fixed and the back garden is under construction.
· Dementia café on Tuesdays is going really well with nearly 30 people coming each week.
· 14th November special coffee morning
· Lots of young people are coming along to the TNG, but there is a lack of funding which means there aren’t enough activities to keep them occupied and the centre is therefore only open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
· Collet from JRHYS offers a lot of the workshops, but otherwise there is a shortage of staff.
Lewisham 2030
Sara Wickert,
Community Development Officer introduced Lewisham 2030 a
consultation with anyone who lives, works or
studies in Lewisham to ask what they like about the borough, what
they would like to see change by 2030 and who they think should be
involved to help make things happen. Paper questionnaires
were provided and attendees were also
invited to fill the questionnaire in online via the QR code which
will take you to lewisham.gov.uk/lewisham2030
Please help spread the word. Forms
can be handed in today or complete them online by the end of