PC Barnaby Jones introduced himself as a member of the Rushey Green Safer Neighbourhood Team. He provided an update on the current work they are doing at Milford Towers to improve the area for residents and the high visibility patrols that have been taking place. the high visibility patrols are as a direct response to the community asking to see a better police presence in Rushey Green. PC Jones stated that he did not have the statistics available at this meeting but have seen a reduction in violent crimes such as robbery and assault due to these patrols.
The Rushey Green team have put in a funding bid to be able to provide more officer overtime going forward and are waiting to hear back on if the application has been successful. There has also been additional resources put into the Lewisham Central area around the shopping centre and market, but these officers do come into Rushey Green as well – this is more primarily focused on enforcement rather than the community policing done by PC Jones’ team.
Cllr Walsh highlighted that lewisham were currently holding a public spaces protection order consultation and asked PC Jones to provide a bit more information about what the PSPO can do, he stated that a PSPO targets mainly anti-social behaviour, which then obviously leads on to low level and even high-level crime.
Cllr Walsh clarified that the consultation was asking about A PSPO is an additional tool that gives the Police and Council Officers powers to help reduce specific anti-social behaviours. It also allows officers to issue a warning, or a fixed penalty notice for anti-social behaviour carried out by individuals. The PSPO would apply to the entire borough of Lewisham for the following activities:
· Alcohol related anti-social behaviour and disorder
· Consumption of drugs and psychoactive substances
· Illegal encampments
· Public urination and defecation
· Amplified speech or music in open spaces
· Dog related anti-social behaviour in public spaces and parks
Cllr Walsh asked the link to the consultation to be circulated. https://consultation.lewisham.gov.uk/public-protection-and-safety/borough-wide-public-space-protection-order-consult/
Questions/comments on this item
A question was raised from a resident living in the same street for 10 years who has seen the same person committing offences and after a police raid this person was back. He asked how the police can support the community to make things better. PC Jones admitted there were difficulties around this but the people are known to the police and arrests are being made and the high vis patrols are making some difference and for residents to call 101 or report crimes online as the police can act if they know about issues.
A resident mentioned that he worked with a local neighbourhood watch scheme and had noticed lots of issues around dealing happening in cars and should they be taking down number plates and descriptions. PC jones said that they can report these with number plates and descriptions as long as no one was putting themselves at risk.
A resident asked how best to deal with aggressive behaviour from people and beggars and does not feel confident to report it at the time should they be reporting retrospectively. PC Jones stated that they have been issuing a good number of community protection notices, they then escalate up to enforcement. He clarified that the better these events are reported the more the police can act, people can report it online retrospectively. He also suggested setting up a small neighbourhood watch in the area around Ringstead Road.
A local resident who is part of a tenants and residents association asked for support lobbying for CCTV camaras in their area around Elm lane which is secluded and attracts dealers and other anti-social issues. Cllr Walsh stated that he was working with the friends of Elm Lane group on this road as it is a private road so limits what the council can do. Possibly looking for investment opportunities.
A resident asked if there a list of procedures to request the setting up of mobile or permanent CCTV camara and can the ‘Ring doorbell cameras’ be used as evidence – this needed clarification outside of this meeting. Cllr Walsh noted that to request the CCTV the council would need to see is a pattern of behaviour, ideally supported by our colleagues at the police saying that this place is a hotspot. And then we would look at mobile units. we currently I think have six of them across the borough, and they go round and they are moved, but that is for 343 1000 people. It would be an evidence base. PC Jones concurred that the more things are reported the better evidence there is for this.